The duties of the Public Service Officer shall be:
(A) Parking and traffic control.
(1) Enforcement of any and all ordinances and statutes relative to parking regulations within those areas of the village as assigned by the Police Chief or his or her designee;
(2) Reporting to appropriate authorities the maintenance and repair needs at any parking or other traffic control signs/devices or markings within the assigned enforcement area;
(3) School and grade crossing guard duties as may be assigned by the Chief of Police or his or her designee(s);
(4) Traffic direction and/or control whenever necessary due to the limited availability of sworn personnel.
(B) Administration and enforcement of certain general offense provisions.
(1) Any and all ordinances and statutes pertaining to property maintenance or management, including those set forth in the building code, the subdivision code, or the zoning code, except as may be assigned by the President in cooperation with other officials, including the Building and Zoning Administrator;
(2) Ordinances and statutes pertaining to animals, including those responsibilities formerly held by an animal control officer;
(3) Ordinances and statutes relative to safety, sanitation and health, snow removal, and vegetation growth;
(4) Ordinances and statutes pertaining to littering.
(C) Enforcement of certain ordinances pertaining to business regulation and taxation, provided that same is done with the approval of the President or other appropriate officials.
(1) Inspections of business premises and operations to ensure compliance with licensing requirements.
(D) Enforcement of certain provisions of the streets, utilities and public services code, provided that same is done with the approval of the President and, whenever necessary, in cooperation with other officials.
(1) Ordinances pertaining to trees overhanging streets and sidewalks;
(2) House numbering as same is required for placement on structures;
(3) Ordinances prohibiting littering within parks and otherwise regulating use of parks by permit or designated area;
(4) Ordinances pertaining to required containers and placement and removal of garbage and refuse.
(E) Enforcement of certain provisions of the planning and zoning code, provided that same is done with the approval of the President and in cooperation with other officials.
(1) Vision clearance on corner lots;
(2) Off-street parking requirements.
(F) General duties and any and all other duties as may be assigned by the President.
(1) To effect the provisions of this section, any person or persons appointed to the position hereby established are given full power and authority to issue citations, tickets, or other documentation of violation of any ordinance or statute within the corporate limits of the village and file same with appropriate courts having jurisdiction;
(2) Perform residential vacation checks;
(3) Investigate derelict and abandoned vehicles and complaints related to such, make notification to owner, and keep all records and reports of such;
(4) Report the need for emergency street repairs, traffic light irregularities, streetlight outage, abandoned trash on streets and right-of-ways, and dead animals on public streets and public property to the appropriate village department; and
(5) Courier-deliver documents, messages, and the like as directed by the President.
(Ord. 2005-48, passed 9-21-05; Am. Ord. 2007-49, passed 9-19-07)