General Provisions
34.01 Claims
34.02 Municipal year
34.03 Expenses; reimbursement
34.04 Official records
34.05 Insurance; retirement
34.06 Indemnification
34.07 Wage laws
34.08 Travel, meal and lodging expenses
34.09 Prohibiting sexual harassment
34.10 Paid leave for workers
34.11 Rules for public comment
Bidding and Contract Procedures
34.20 Competitive bidding required
34.21 Formal contract procedure
34.22 Notice inviting bids
34.23 Scope of notice
34.24 Bid deposits
34.25 Bid opening procedure
34.26 Rejection of bids
34.27 Bidders in default to village
34.28 Award of contract
34.29 Open market procedure
34.30 Professional services exempt
34.31 Emergency purchases
34.32 Cooperative purchasing
34.33 Interests in contracts
Identity Theft Prevention Program
34.40 Identity Theft Prevention Program adopted
State Officials and Employees Ethics Act
34.45 State Officials and Employees Ethics Act adopted
Investment Policy
34.60 Policy
34.61 Scope
34.62 Prudence
34.63 Objective
34.64 Delegation of authority
34.65 Ethics and conflicts of interest
34.66 Authorized financial dealers and institutions
34.67 Authorized and suitable investments
34.68 Collateralization
34.69 Safekeeping and custody
34.70 Diversification
34.71 Maximum maturities
34.72 Internal control
34.73 Performance standards
34.74 Reporting
34.75 Statement
34.76 Investment policy adoption
Illinois Freedom of Information Act
34.80 Requests for records to be made to Village Clerk
34.81 Action upon receipt of request
34.82 Training
34.83 Retrieval of requested records
34.84 Copying fees
34.85 Appeal of denied request
34.86 Information to be prepared by Village Clerk