§ 27-1205.    Design Standards.
   1.   General Conditions.
      A.   Consideration shall be given to apphcable provisions of the Borough and any County and regional comprehensive plans as they pertain to future school sites, recreation sites, water supply and sewage treatment systems, streets and highways, and other public facilities where appropriate.
      B.   The proposed PRD shall take into consideration and be coordinated with existing adjacent development.
      C.   Lands with unsafe or hazardous conditions such as unconsolidated fill, floodprone areas, steep slopes, etc., shall not be developed unless adequate safeguards are provided.
   2.   Permitted Uses and Densities.
      A.   Permitted Uses.
         (1)   Within any R-l District, a PRD may include the following uses:
            (a)   Single-family detached.
            (b)   Single-family attached (townhouses)
            (c)   Two-family semi-detached (twin).
            (d)   Two-family detached (duplex).
            (e)   Cluster development.
         (2)   Within any R-2 District, a PRD may include the following uses:
            (a)   Any of the uses noted in §1205(2)(A)(1) above.
            (b)   Garden apartments.
            (c)   Mid-rise apartments in accordance with the provisions of §1106 of this Chapter.
      B.   Densities.
         (1)   The maximum allowable average gross residential density for planned residential development shall be six dwelling units per acre in a R-l District, with the exception that a higher density may be allowed in accordance with the bonus provisions contained in this Part. In no instance shall the average residential density exceed eight dwelling units per acre in an R-1 District.
         (2)   The maximum allowable average gross residential density for planned residential developments shall be twelve dwelling units per acre in a R-2 District, with the exception that a higher density may be allowed in accordance with the bonus provisions contained in this Part. In no instance shall the average gross residential density exceed 15 dwelling units per acre in a R-2 District.
         (3)   No commercial development shall be allowed unless expert, third party, market analysis shows to the satisfaction of the municipality that such commercial development will be needed to serve the residential development of the planned residential development and nearby community.
         (4)   Not less than 20% of the total area of the planned residential development shall be designated as and devoted to common open space.
      C.   Density Bonus. For each additional percentage point of land in common open space above 20%, the permissible average gross residential density as stated in § 27-1205(2)(B)(l) and (2) above may be increased by up to 3%.
   3.   Specific Design Standards and Requirements.
      A.   The following standards and requirements shaU apply in addition to the standards and requirements contained elsewhere in this Chapter and in other apphcable codes and ordinances.
         (1)   Building Location.
            (a)   AU buUdings and structures shaU be designed and sited with regard to the topography and natural features of the site. The effects of prevaUing winds, seasonal temperatures, andhours of sunlight on the physical layout and form of aU proposed buUdings and structures shaU be taken into account.
            (b)   AU housing shall be sited so as to enhance privacy and insure natural light for all principal rooms.
            (c)   Variations in setbacks shaU be provided where necessary to create a more pleasing layout.
            (d)   Housing and other facilities near the periphery of the development shall be designed so as to be harmonious with neighboring areas.
            (e)   No residential building shall be located within 20 feet of any private street, road, access road, or parking area, except for the purpose of providing direct access to the building for service, maintenance, or other necessary purpose.
            (f)   No structure shaU be less than 25 feet from the property lines of the development.
         (2)   Conservation of Trees and Natural Resources.
            (a)   The development shall be designed and programmed so as to minimize earthmoving erosion, tree clearance, and the destruction of natural amenities.
            (b)   Existing trees shaU be preserved wherever possible. Existing tree masses or individual trees with a cahper of 4 or more inches shaU not be removed unless approved by the Borough.
         (3)   Street Design.
            (a)   The street system shaU be designed so as to minimize street intersections as well as pedestrian and vehicular conflict points.
            (b)   All access driveways and service drives shall have paved cartways at least 20 feet in width.
            (c)   Dead-end streets are prohibited.
            (d)   Any temporary dead-end street which is necessary for future access to an adjoining property, shall be provided with a temporary, all weather turnaround.
            (e)   The grade within any turnaround area shall not exceed 5%.
         (4)   Sidewalks. Sidewalks and other walkways shall be provided for the safety and convenience of pedestrians within the development. Special attention shall be given to providing for such circulation between dwelling units and parking areas, commercial areas, and common open space areas.
         (5)   Lot Design.
            (a)   The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated.
            (b)   Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines, except where the development is designed to provide for the use of active or passive solar energy systems, in which case lot 105 lines may be oriented in a north/south direction regardless of the angle of incidence with the street line.
            (c)   Where feasible, lot hnes shall follow municipal boundaries, rather than cross them, in order to avoid jurisdictional problems.
            (d)   Generally, the depth of residential lots shall not be less than one or more than two-and-one-half times their width.
            (e)   Any subdivision of land should avoid the creation of any undersized parcels or remnants which are not usable.
         (6)   Lot Access.
            (a)   Driveways to single-family residences shall intersect streets at angles of not less than 60°. All other driveways or access roads shall intersect streets at right angles where possible, but in no case at an angle of less than 75°.
            (b)   The width of access roads or driveways shall be as follows:
            (i)   Access roads or drives for multi-family residential and non-residential uses shall not be less than 20 feet or more than 36 feet in width, unless provided with a median divider.
            (ii)   Driveways for a single-family residential uses shall not be less than 10 feet or more than 20 feet in width.
            (c)   To provide a safe and convenient ingress and egress, the curbs of access roads and driveway entrances shaU be rounded as follows:
            (i)   Access road entrances and driveways for multi-family residential development shah be rounded with a minimum radius of 10 feet.
            (ii)   Driveway entrances for single-family residential development shall be rounded with a minimum radius of 5 feet.
            (d)   Access road and driveway grades should not exceed the foUowing:
            (i)   10% for single-family development.
            (ii)   7% for multi-famUy and non-residential development, (hi) 4% within 50 feet of any intersection with a street.
            (e)   The intersection of the centerline of an access road or driveway with a street shaU not be closer to the point of intersection of any two street centerhnes than the following:
            (i)   75 feet in single-famUy residential areas.
            (ii)   150 feet in multi-family and non-residential areas.
      B.   Parking.
         (1)   Parking areas shaU be arranged so as to prevent through traffic to other parking areas.
         (2)   All parking areas ;shall be at least 20 feet from aU residential buildings, streets, access roads, and other parking areas, and shall be adequately screened by use of plantings, earth berms, changes in grade, waUs, fences, or some other screening approved by the Borough.
         (3)   Landscaping generally, shall be provided in accordance with subsection (H) of this Section.
         (4)   No more than 40 parking spaces shall be provided in any single parking area.
         (5)   Not more than eight parking spaces shall be provided in a continuous row without being interrupted by a planting area and acceptable tree planting.
      C.   Planting Requirements.
         (1)   All parking areas shall be landscaped with trees and shrubs of varying species.
         (2)   Shade trees shall be planted along all streets. At least 1 tree of 2 inch caliper shall be planted at intervals of not more than 40 feet along each side of the street.
         (3)   The entire perimeter of the tract being developed shall be provided with a 15 feet planting strip. The amount, density of planting and types of plant materials shall be based upon existing conditions, proximity to existing dweUings, compatibility of adjacent uses, and any other pertinent considerations. Where adjacent property has been developed in such a manner that privacy from the PRD is desirable, the planting shall be of sufficient density and certain sufficient evergreen materials to provide an effective screen. In other areas, particularly where vegetation already exists, the planting area might be left in its natural state and supplemental as deemed necessary by the Borough.
         (4)   Trees shall not be planted within 5 feet of any curb or sidewalk.
      D.   Lighting.
         (1)   Lighting shall be designed and located so as not to shine directly into residential buildings and private yards.
         (2)   All off-street parking areas, steps, ramps and frequently used walks shall be adequately lighted.
         (3)   The Borough may require additional lighting in other areas where considered necessary for public safety.
      E.   Storm Drainage and Erosion Control.
         (1)   All requirements concerning storm drainage and erosion control are contained in the Borough Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance, Ord. 470, as amended, and Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, Ord. 496, as amended. [Ord. 553]
      F.    Nonresidential Facilities.
         (1)   Shopping and recreational areas within a PRD shah be located so as not to interfere with nearby residential areas.
         (2)   Refuse stations shah be designed and located so as to be convenient and unobtrusive.
(Ord. 462, 8/14/1995, §1204; as amended by Ord. 553, 5/10/2004, §1)