1. Applications for Tentative Approval.
A. Applications for tentative approval shall include but not be limited to the following information and documentation:
(1) A location map drawn at a scale no smaller than 1 inch equals 1, 000 feet, showing the proposed site in relation to municipal boundaries, pubhc streets, roads, and other rights-of-way, public utilities, and all abutting properties.
(2) The zoning district classification of the proposed site and surrounding areas within 1,000 feet.
(3) Plans of the proposed development shall be drawn at a scale of no smaller than 1 inch equals 100 feet and shah include at least the foUowing information:
(a) Name and address of record owner.
(b) NameofPRD.
(c) Name and address of developer, if different from owner.
(d) Name and seal of registered engineer, surveyor, architect, or landscape architect responsible for preparing the plan.
(e) North arrow, scale and date.
(f) Tract boundaries and a statement of total coverage.
(g) Existing and proposed contours with a vertical interval of not more than 2 feet for areas of less than 8% slope and of not more than 5 feet for areas with a slope greater than 8%.
(h) Soil types based upon the USDA SoU survey of Perry County.
(i) Existing and proposed drainage patterns and facihties as required by the Borough Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance including the identification of any areas subject to flooding.
(j) Existing natural features such as tree masses, individual trees 4 or more inches in diameter, rock outcroppings, watercourses, and any other noteworthy features.
(k) Existing and proposed streets within and adjoining the tract, including rights-of-way, cartway widths and names.
(l) The total number of proposed dweUing units, with subtotals by housing type.
(m) The average gross residential density.
(n) The location, size and description of all buildings, structures, parking areas, sidewalks and pathways.
(o) Existing and proposed property lines within the tract, together with lot areas.
(p) Existing and proposed easements, covenants, rights-of-ways, or other restrictions within the tract.
(q) Existing and proposed systems for water supply, sewage disposal, and other utilities and public facilities.
(r) The location, size, ownership and manner of maintenance of the common open space areas indicating the nature of the facilities and their proposed use, and proposed documentation such as declarations and bylaws which provide for the ownership, management, and maintenance of common areas.
(s) A preliminary landscape planting plan showing the location and identification of all proposed plants, as well as the location and type of all existing vegetation that will be preserved.
(t) A plan and schedule of development for the entire tract.
(u) A written statement by the landowner setting forth reasons why, in his opinion, the PRD would be in the public interest and would be consistent with the Borough Comprehensive Plan.
The following preliminary data shall also be provided:
(1) Cross-section drawings for all proposed streets, showing rights-of-way, cartway paths, location of sidewalks and planting strips.
(2) Profile drawings of all proposed streets showing existing and proposed grades.
(3) Plans and profiles of proposed sanitary and storm sewers, including grades and pipe sizes.
(4) Plans of the proposed water supply system showing pipe sizes and location and valves and fire hydrants.
(5) Designs for any bridges, culverts, etc., which may be required.
(6) A sewer module or report by the appropriate sewage enforcement officer confirming the availability of sanitary sewage disposal to the PRD.
(7) An erosion control plan as required by state law and Borough ordinances, which plan shaU be submitted to the Perry County Soils Conservation Service.
2. Applications for Final Approval.
A. The apphcation for final approval shall include all the data requirements for tentative approval set forth in § 27-1204(1) above.
B. Applications for final approval shall include, but not be hmited to, the following information and documentation:
(1) Plans of the proposed development shall be drawn at a scale of no smaller than 1 inch equals 100 feet and shaU show at least the following information:
(a) All abutting properties shall be shown, with the names of owners noted.
(b) The tract boundary hnes of the property being developed with accurate distances to hundredths of a foot and bearings to seconds.
(c) The location and evaluation of all perimeter monuments, properly referenced.
(d) A statement of the total area of the property being developed.
(e) Certification of accuracy of the drawn plan and survey by an individual authorized to provide such a certification under State law.
(f) Significant physical features within the proposed development tract, as in the prehminary plan, including proposed contours and final grades.
(g) Location and acreage of all proposed land uses, including residential uses by type, community facihties, recreation, open space, etc.
(h) The locations and heights of all building and structures, including all free-standing signs, and distance between buildings and between buUdings and streets and/or property hnes.
(i) Number of dwelling units, by type, number of rooms and the location and square footage of floor space to be devoted to non-residential use, together with use specifications.
(j) Other statements of proposed densities and percentages as pertain to the requirements of this Part.
(k) The location, square footage, and number of car spaces in all parking areas and/or specifications of type and size of other parking facilities.
(l) Architectural drawings and rendering of typical structures and improvements.
(m) Any property lines within the PRD shall be completely dimensioned.
(n) Lot numbers and the total number of lots and parcels, together with all lot areas.
(o) Location and size of all public and/or common recreation areas, facilities, and open space areas, their ownership, proposed maintenance, offers of dedication or covenants governing their use, and articles and bylaws for the entity responsible for the future management and maintenance of the common areas.
(p) The following data for all proposed and existing streets on or adjoining the tract:
(i) The name, proposed name, or number of the street.
(ii) The cartway width and curb lines,
(iii) The right-of-way width and lines.
(iv) If the PRD proposes a new street intersection with a state legislative route, the occupancy permit number (s).
(v) The location and elevation of all street monuments.
(vi) The lengths of all straight lines, radii and lengths of curves, and tangent bearings for each street.
(vii) Final street profiles, cross-sections and specifications.
(q) Locations and widths of all private driveways and pedestrian walkways, if any, and any controls proposed at their intersections with streets carrying vehicular traffic.
(r) Proposed systems for drainage, water supply and sewage disposal including:
(i) Location, size and invert elevations of all sanitary sewer, water distribution and storm drainage systems and the location of aU manholes, inlets and culverts,
(ii) Final profiles, cross-sections, and specifications.
(s) Letters from both the sewer and water authorities certifying that each can provide adequate service to the proposed development. If water is to be provided by means other than by private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots, applicants shall present evidence to the Borough Council or Planning Commission, as the case may be, that the PRD is to be supphed by a certified public utility, a bona fide coorperative association of lot owners, or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a certificate of pubhc convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utihty Commission or an apphcation for such certificate, a cooperative agreement, or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shaU be acceptable evidence. [Ord. 553]
(t) Exact location of all fire hydrants, transmission lines, etc., within the proposed land development tract and within 200 feet of its boundaries.
(u) Location, width, and purpose of existing and proposed easements and utihty rights-of-way.
(v) Copies of other deed restrictions to be imposed upon the use of land, buildings and structures.
(w) A detailed planting and landscape plan showing the location and identification of all proposed planting and landscaping, as weU as the location and type of all existing vegetation and features that wiU be preserved.
(x) A notarized certification of ownership, acknowledgment of plan, and any offer of dedication lettered on the plan, duly acknowledged and signed by the owner of the property. The foUowing final date shaU also be provided:
(i) Cross-section drawings for all proposed streets, showing rights-of-way, cartway widths, location of sidewalks and planting strips.
(ii) Profile drawings of all proposed streets showing existing and proposed grades.
(iii) Plans and profiles of proposed sanitary and storm sewers, including grates and pipe sizes.
(iv) Plans of the proposed water supply system showing pipe sizes and location of valves and fire hydrants.
(v) Designs for any bridges, culverts, etc., which may be required.
(vi) An approved erosion control plan, an approved sewer module or satisfactory Sewage Enforcement Officer's report, as apphcable, and an approved water quality management permit, if applicable.
(vii) Any other certificates, affidavits, endorsements, dedications, etc., that may be required by the Borough.
(Ord. 462, 8/14/1995, §1203; as amended by Ord. 553, 5/10/2004, §1)