§ 23-1002.   Water Quality for Private Water Supplies.
Water quality for private water supplies shall conform to the following requirements:
   1.   Microbiological Water Quality Requirements. Procedures for testing for microbiological contaminants shall be approved by and conducted by a laboratory certified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the technique used. Evidence of such tests shall be given to the Borough verifying that the tests have been conducted by a laboratory approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP).
   2.   Microbiological, Physical and Chemical Water Quality Requirements. Private water supplies must meet the following standards:
Total coliform
<1 col/100 mL
<1 NTU
<10.0 mg/L as N
6.5 to 8.5
<0.3 mg/L
<0.05 mg/L
<250.0 mg/L
<15 units
MBAS (foaming agents)
<0.5 mg/L
<3 units
      A.   All water quality tests must be conducted for each category listed in § 23-1002.2 by a laboratory certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
      B.   If Total Coliform, Turbidity, or Nitrates + Nitrites are in excess of the maximum specified standards noted in § 23-1002.2, treatment of the water supply is required to achieve compliance with the standards.
      C.   If Iron, Manganese, pH, Chloride, Color, MBAS or Odor levels are in excess of the above listed standards in § 23-1002.2, or the pH value is less than 6.5, treatment is recommended.
      D.   When a treatment unit has been installed to correct a condition requiring treatment (§ 23-1002.2) this Borough must conduct an inspection to verify the installation of the treatment unit(s), as well as, receive written information including the make and model number of any installed treatment unit(s). Treatment units must be installed according to the manufacturer specifications.
      E.   When the parameters listed in § 23-1002.2 are not within the specified limits in the initial water testing process, the Borough requires subsequent testing with passing results without treatment (other than disinfection as per Part 8 of this Chapter) to be submitted; or, passing results accompanied by a written description of the treatment unit (when a treatment unit has been installed.)
   3.   For private water supplies, additional analyses and treatment of the water shall be required if the Borough has reason to suspect that harmful substances are present in the water in amounts that are significantly adverse to human health, safety, or comfort.
   4.   Annual or more frequent sampling for Total coliform bacteria and nitrate/nitrite is recommended.
(Ord. 613, 5/11/2015)