§ 23-502.   Test Wells.
   1.   Test wells require a permit and must meet the isolation distances and construction standards of § 23-401 of this Chapter for water supply wells.
   2.   Test wells are temporary and therefore are not permitted as permanent supply wells. Once the intended use of the well has been completed, the well must be decommissioned according to Part 7 of this Chapter.
   3.   Test wells may be converted for use as a permanent supply well. To be converted for use as a supply well, the owner must submit a new application and the applicable fee for a new well permit to this Borough and meet the requirements of Parts 4 and 10 of this Chapter.
   4.   The converted test well will not be granted approval for use until the following is submitted to the Borough: a copy of the well construction form (Form 23-2), a water quality analysis showing that the water meets the requirements of Part 10, and documentation that the supply well meets the individual supply system standard in § 23-402.10 and the minimum yield requirements in § 23-402.11.
   5.   Failure to comply with this Chapter regarding test wells shall result in the initiation of legal action against the property owner by this Borough.
(Ord. 613, 5/11/2015)