1. The source of supply shall be from a water bearing formation drawn not less than 25 feet from the ground surface.
2. Well caps shall be located at a point free from flooding and above the 100-year floodplain. Wells shall have a sanitary seal well cap and be the following minimum distances to existing or potential sources of pollution:
Sources of Pollution
Minimum isolation distances from the proposed well to the features listed below:
A. WATER RELATED Minimum Distance
(1) Delineated wetlands or floodplains, lakes, ponds or other surface waters 25 feet
(2) Rainwater pits 25 feet
(3) Storm drains, retention basins, storm water stabilization ponds 25 feet
(1) Bio-solids disposal areas and septage disposal sites 300 feet
(2) Farm silos, barnyards, manure pits or 100 feet
tanks or other storage areas of animal manure, tilled or no-till cultivated agricultural farm fields (this excludes pasture and grazing lands)
(3) Subsurface sewage absorption areas, elevated 100 feet
sand mounds, cesspools, sewage seepage pits, community and single-family spray irrigation systems, etc.
(4) Septic tanks, aerobic tanks, sewage pump tanks, holding tanks 50 feet
(5) Gravity sewer lines and drains carrying domestic 50 feet
sewage or industrial waste (except when the sewer (10 feet)
line is cast iron pipe with either watertight lead caulked joints or joints filled with neoprene gaskets, or if solvent welded Schedule 40 (or SDR equivalent) or better polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe)
(6) Sewage drains carrying domestic sewage or 50 feet
industrial waste under pressure (except welded steel (10 feet)
pipe or solvent welded Schedule 40 or equivalent or better PVC pipe or concrete encased pipe.)
(1) Preparation area or storage area of hazardous spray 300 feet
materials, fertilizers, or chemicals; salt piles
(2) Surface or subsurface containers or tanks of over 300 feet
1,000 gallons used for the storage of materials (100 feet)
that cannot be properly renovated by passage through the soil. This includes, but is not limited to, gasoline and all other petroleum products, (except where tank installation meets current PA DEP Under Ground Storage Tank Regulations. Documentation must be supplied).
(3) Surface or subsurface containers or tanks of 50 feet
1000 gallons or less used for the storage of materials that cannot be properly renovated by passage through the soil. This includes, but is not limited to, gasoline and all other petroleum products.
For example, the type of tanks frequently found in homes using oil for heating purposes.
(4) Graveyards, cemeteries 100 feet
(5) Identified NPL Sites (Superfund Sites) delineated plume areas 1/4 mile (1,320 feet)
(6) Landfills 300 feet up gradient and 1/4 mile down gradient
(1) Building foundations (except for buildings enclosing just water wells and/or water well pumps) 30 feet
(2) Mobile Homes 30 feet
(3) Wooden structures on concrete or dirt floors 30 feet
(4) Driveways, parking lots or paved areas 10 feet
(5) Curbed (6" min.) driveways, parking lots or paved areas 5 feet
(6) Property lines, all right-of-ways, easements 10 feet
(7) Metal or masonry storage buildings on a cement slab 10 feet
(8) Any other source of pollution As approved
(Ord. 613, 5/11/2015)