1. Due to the variability in the information to be obtained, groundwater monitoring wells shall not be subject to strict compliance with the isolation distances given in § 23-401 of this Chapter. The construction of each monitoring well must first receive written approval of the Borough in the form of a permit to construct, modify or abandon a water well (Form 23-1). Each monitoring well must be designed to minimize potential contamination of the aquifer and to maximize the information obtained from each installation.
2. Continued up-keep, safe operation and maintenance of all monitoring wells shall be the ultimate responsibility of the property owner.
3. The property owner shall be responsible to respond to inquiries from the Borough regarding the status of the well.
4. When a monitoring well is no longer actively used it must be decommissioned according to Part 7 of this Chapter.
5. Failure to comply with the above requirements relating to ownership, reporting, and the operation, maintenance, or decommissioning of any monitoring well may result in legal action being initiated against the property owner by this Borough.
(Ord. 613, 5/11/2015)