§ 23-309.   Emergency Permit.
   1.   If an emergency condition exists, that is, if the lack of water poses an immediate and significant danger to the health and welfare of persons, livestock or domestic fowl or crops, then the Borough shall issue a well construction permit within 24 hours of receipt of the completed permit application. It is the responsibility of the well contractor and/or property owner or tenant to substantiate that an emergency condition exists by submission of a signed statement to the Borough.
   2.   Emergency well construction permits will not be issued over the telephone except in such instances when the Borough is closed for a period of time in excess of 24 hours, and then only to replace an existing water supply where the lack of water poses an immediate and significant threat to human health or when the Department determines that other exceptional circumstances exist. When permits are issued over the telephone, the well contractor must submit the required signed statement and the completed well permit to the Borough by 9:00 a.m. on the next regularly scheduled Borough workday.
   3.   All regulated public water supplies must also receive an emergency permit from PA Department of Environmental Protection.
   4.   The drilling process for an emergency well construction must begin within 24 hours of receipt of the permit or verbal approval. If construction does not begin within 24 hours, permit/verbal approval is void except when inclement weather conditions or other abnormal circumstances occur.
   5.   The well contractor must have the well permit and/or verbally approved well permit number in his possession at the specific job site during all aspects of the well drilling process.
   6.   Wells constructed to abate an emergency condition and permitted in accordance with § 23-309 must be completed, tested and the required information submitted for final “approval to use” within 10 calendar days of the issuance of the permit, or where applicable, verbal permission to construct the well has been given.
(Ord. 613, 5/11/2015)