§ 22-511.   Streets, Access Drives and Driveways.
   1.   General.
      A.   New streets are compatible with established street patterns and support the expansion of the overall street system. This may be accomplished by evaluating future access strip connections prior to submitting plans.
      B.   Maintaining established street patterns within communities helps to retain a visual continuity and unity to an area. Projects shall repeat established patterns of vehicle circulation, when feasible, and shall provide safe, convenient, and efficient vehicular access both within a development and to the surrounding communities. Circulation patterns shall be designed to limit points of access from major thoroughfares and minimize the impacts of non-residential traffic on adjacent residential properties. Joint use with adjacent landowners is encouraged and access easements to adjoining properties should be explored. Internal vehicle circulation shall provide a clear visual path to provide safe, convenient, and efficient vehicular access within and between developments.
   2.   Consideration should be given to where snow placement easements will be situated on the site.
   3.   Arrangement. The following criteria shall be considered in the design of new streets.
      A.   The alignment of streets shall conform to the established pattern and shall take into account existing topography and other site constraints when providing for the appropriate extension of existing streets.
      B.   Local streets shall be arranged so as to discourage excessive speeds when their function is to remain local.
      C.   Curvilinear streets and cul-de-sacs should be utilized only where topography and natural features dictate them on the site, and where their use will be consistent with adjoining development patterns. Curvilinear streets shall not be used immediately adjacent to an existing grid street system without providing a transition that continues and protects the grid. New street systems shall take into consideration the dispersal of traffic and to the ultimate functioning of the existing street system and regional transportation network.
      D.   Streets shall be laid out to provide convenient and safe access to the property. Where appropriate, the Borough may require additional cartway improvements and/or right-of-way width along existing street frontages to accommodate the anticipated traffic increases and to facilitate vehicular turning movements to and from individual lots.
      E.   Where a development abuts an existing or proposed arterial and collector street, the Borough may require access management techniques such as the use of marginal access streets, double frontage lots, or other such treatment that will provide protection for abutting properties, reduce the number of intersections with the arterial street, and separate the local and through traffic.
      F.   The use of permeable pavement is encouraged on sidewalks, plazas, driveways and parking lots. Permeable pavement shall not be located on industrial sites, fueling stations, sites with expansive soils or high depth to bedrock, areas draining to the permeable pavement greater than 5 acres, areas with the water table less than 2 feet below the bottom of the pavement base, and less than 100 feet from drinking wells. Permeable pavement is not allowed on anything intended for dedication to the Borough.
      G.   Streets shall be designed with drainage grates that are safe for crossing by bicycles and pedestrians.
      H.   Each street shall be designed to meet the design requirements by use of Appendix E.
(Ord. 614, 5/11/2015)