1. Project Type: (circle one) 2. Street Function: (circle one)
-Residential -Alley
-Mixed Use - Local
-Commercial/Industrial - Collector
- Arterial
3. Ownership: (circle one) 4. Principal Design Vehicle: (circle one)
-Public/Dedicated -Automotive
-Private -Truck
5. Attached Design Criteria Matrix Verifies the Following:
a. Volume of Average Daily Trips:
b. Design Speed:
c. Vertical Attributes:
• Maximum Slope: %
• Minimum Slope: %
• “K” Value for Crested Curves:
• “K” Value for Sag Curves:
d. Level of Service (LOS) at Intersections:
• New Intersections: LOS C or better
• New Intersection with existing Street: LOS D or better
e. Horizontal Attributes:
• Minimum Safe Stopping Sight Distance:
• Minimum Safe Distance at Intersections:
• Minimum Centerline Curve Radius:
• Minimum Curb Radii:
One side/Both sides Width Total Width
Thru Lanes: X =
Turn Lane: X =
On-Street Parking: X =
Multi-Modal Lane: X =
Gutter (Stormwater): X =
Shoulder: X =
Curb: X =
Swale: X =
Sidewalk: X =
Grass/Tree Strip: X =
Boulevard Island: X =
Total Right-of-Way Width =
6. Special Considerations: (traffic signals, streetscape and lighting requirements, crosswalk treatments, etc.)
7. Agreed by Developer:
8. Agreed by Borough:
(Ord. 614, 5/11/2015)