§ 18-311.   Imposition of Sewer Rentals or Charges.
There is hereby imposed upon the owner of each improved property served by the sewer system and having the use thereof quarterly (or monthly where applicable and provided for in § 18-315 of this Part) sewer rentals or charges, payable as hereinafter provided, for the use, whether direct or indirect, of the sewer system, based on the schedules of classifications and rates or charges set forth below, which rates or charges shall remain in effect until changed by resolution of the Borough Council adopted after August 1, 2006: [Ord. 570]
Customer Classification
Rental Rate Per Quarter Annum
Rental Rate Per Month
Customer Classification
Rental Rate Per Quarter Annum
Rental Rate Per Month
   A.    Each private dwelling or living unit (including a mobile home, and each family unit in multi-dwelling facility such as an apartment house).
   B.   Each municipal building
   C.   Each church
   D.   Each public or private school pupil based upon the daily average number of pupils enrolled on days when the school was in session during the full school term immediately preceding the date of each quarterly bill. Teachers and employees shall be classified as pupils for sewer rental purposes.
   E.   Each one family unit in which occupant thereof also carries on a trade, business or profession.
   F.   Each retail gas station.
   G.   Each commercial establishment (other than those above) not regularly dispensing food or beverages for consumption on the premises or discharging industrial wastes.
   H.   Each restaurant, bar or other commercial establishment (not otherwise classified herein) which regularly dispenses food or beverages.
   I.   Each motel, hotel or rooming house per bedroom
$10.00 [Res. 254]
Where a restaurant or barroom is conducted in connection with any motel, or hotel, a separate sewer shall be charged in accordance with classification and rates set forth in subsection (H) above.
   J.    Each industrial establishment            $23.93 per employee
Based upon the daily average number of employees for the quarter immediately preceding the quarter being billed regardless of the number of employees, the minimum charge for each industrial establishment shall be $794.33 per quarter per annum. [Ord. 472]
   K.   Multiple Use. In case of a combination of one or more private dwellings or living units with a similar unit or units with one or more commercial establishments in one improved property and each thereof having the use of the sewer system through one sewer connection, then each such private dwelling or living unit and each such commercial establishment, with the exception of subsection (E) above, shall be charged the foregoing rates as though each thereof were in a separate structure and as though each thereof had a direct and separate connection to the sewer system
   L.   Vacant Properties. Owners of vacant properties shall be billed at a vacancy rate as established by resolution of the Borough Council. In order to qualify for the vacancy rate, the property owner must notify the Borough Secretary by submitting a “status of occupancy/vacancy report.” The vacancy rate for a property will be effective the first day of the month following the Borough Secretary’s actual receipt of the “status of occupancy/vacancy report.” In order to continue to qualify for a vacancy rate, the vacancy must be reported every month. Failure to submit notice of vacancy on the monthly “status of occupancy/vacancy report,” shall automatically void the vacancy rate and change the property to the applicable occupied classification for the following month.
   M.   Mobile Home Park. Each mobile home park served by a closed sanitary sewer system with stormwater separated therefrom shall pay a rate, in addition to that imposed by subsection (A) above, of $00.00119 per gallon of discharge into the Borough's sewer system, as measured by flow meter at or near the point of discharge, above the water usage of said park, as measured by public utility water meter, plus 8%. (i.e., rate (sewer discharge - water use + .08 [water use] ). It shall be the duty of the owner and/or manager of the mobile home park and the water utility servicing the mobile home park to provide to the Borough, on a quarterly basis, the statement or bills showing the water usage of the mobile home park. [Ord. 467]
   N.   Each one family unit in which occupant thereof maintains only an office in the residence but carries on a trade, business or profession at point of service. The rental rate per quarter annum shall be $175 and per month, $58.34. [Ord. 521A]
   O.   CS. This classification is for commercial businesses for storage or warehouse purpose only. No business shall be conducted within or upon the property other than to access the stored merchandise. The rental rate per quarter annum shall be $175, per month $58.34. [Ord. 530A]
   P.   Active Military Service. Any owner or occupier of a residential dwelling unit connected to the sewer system who shall be absent from such premises for a continuous period of not less than 3 consecutive months solely by reason of service on active duty in the armed services of the United States shall be refunded his payments for sewer rentals for such period of absence, provided such unit shall remain unoccupied during such period and provided further, he shall submit to the Borough Manager prior written notice of his scheduled absence together with proof of such service orders and, upon his return, proof of non-occupancy of such unit during the period of service. Non-occupancy shall be proven by the presentation of accurate water meter readings for the unit. [Ord. 569]
   Q.   Building Rehabilitation. Any owner or lessee of a building which constitutes a vacant property as defined under §18-301 may have the sewer rental rates or charges reduced to zero during a period of rehabilitation of the building upon providing satisfactory evidence that the building is vacant, water service has been disconnected and the building is undergoing rehabilitation. The building rehabilitation rate shall continue for the lesser of 1 year from the approval thereof, or until such time as the final plumbing inspection is completed and the water service is reconnected, or the owner or lessee of the property refuses to permit a Borough official access to the property to confirm compliance with this Part. Upon termination of eligibility for the building rehabilitation rate, the rates or charges shall immediately and automatically revert to the prior classification for the property. [Ord. 570]
(Ord. 398, 6/11/1987, §11; as amended by Ord. 452, 11/7/1994, §1; by Ord. 467, 7/8/1996, §1; by Ord. 471, 7/8/996, §1; by Ord. 472, 1/13/1997, §1; by Ord. 520A, 7/9/2002, §1; Ord. 521A, 7/9/2001, §1; by Ord. 530A, 1/14/2002, §1; by Ord. 569, 6/5/2006, §1; by Ord. 570, 8/14/2006; by Res. 254, 2/9/2009; and by Ord. 604, 1/14/2013)