1444.01 Boundaries.
1444.02 Construction or alterations.
1444.99 Penalty.
Municipal regulation of fire hazards - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 11-8-2
Fire protection services - see ADM. Ch. 254
Storage of combustibles - see GEN. OFF. 674.06
BOCA National Fire Prevention Code - see F.P. Ch. 1610
The fire limits of the City are hereby declared and defined to comprise, include and embrace all the territory within the following boundaries: Beginning at the center of Union Street and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company crossing; thence running north on Union Street to the center of Vine Street; thence east on Vine Street to the center of Mill Street; thence south on a line with Mill Street to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company crossing; thence west on the Pennsylvania Railroad to the place of beginning.
(1942 Code Chap. XLVIII, Sec. 1)