(a)   A lien under this chapter may be enforced by proceedings to foreclose as in case of mortgages or mechanics' liens. An action to foreclose a lien under this section must be commenced within two years after the date of filing the notice of lien. Such foreclosures shall be in equity in the name of the City.
   (b)   The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to institute such proceedings, in the name of the City, in any court having jurisdiction over such matter, against any property for which such bill has remained unpaid sixty days after it has been rendered.
   (c)   The remedy provided in Sections 690.04, 690.05 and this section shall be in addition to the penalty provided in Section 690.99.
(Ord. 2018-10-2. Passed 10-24-18.)
Statutory reference:
   Lien for removal costs, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-20-15