EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the frequency of change, provisions relating to regular compensation and benefits are not codified. Copies of the latest relevant legislation may be obtained, at cost, from the City Clerk.
258.01 Prevailing wage for construction of public works.
Election of officers - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Secs. 3-2-2, 3-2-5, 3-2-7 et seq.
Holding other offices - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 3-4-3
Appointment of city officers - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 3-7-2
General duties - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 3-9-1
Compensation - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Secs. 3-13-1 et seq.
Certificates and commissions of officers - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 3-14-1
Qualifications for municipal office - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 3-14-1; ADM. 210.03
Oath of office and bond - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 3-14-3
Pecuniary interest in contracts - see Ill. R.S. Ch. 24, Sec. 3-14-4; ADM. 208.10
State Gift Ban Act - see ADM. Ch. 306