As used in this chapter:
(a) "Building" means any business building or structure and one-business building or structure.
(b) "Rat-stoppage" applies to a form of rat proofing to prevent the ingress of rats into or under buildings or other structures from the exterior or from one building or structure to another. It consists essentially of the closing of all openings in the exterior walls, ground or first floors, basements and foundations, that may be reached by rats from the ground by climbing or by burrowing, with concrete, sheet iron, hardware cloth or other types of rat- proofing material impervious to rat gnawing, approved by the Health Commissioner. Hardware cloth means wire screen of such thickness and spacing as to afford reasonable protection against the entrance of rats.
(c) "Rat-harborage" means any condition which provides shelter or protection for rats, thus favoring their multiplication and continued existence in, under or outside a structure of any kind.
(d) "Health Commissioner" means the person occupying the office in the health district which is created by Ohio R.C. 3709.11 and 3709.14 or his authorized representative.
(e) “Owner” means the actual owner of the building, whether an individual, partnership or corporation. In the case of a leased building, with a clause in the lease specifying that the lessee is responsible for maintenance and repair, the lessee will be considered in such cases as the owner for the purposes of this chapter.
(f) "Garbage" means the putrescible animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, processing, preparation, cooking or serving of food.
(g) "Refuse" means combustible and noncombustible waste materials except garbage, and the term includes the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke and other combustible material, paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, plastics, glass, crockery and dust.
(h) "Person" means an individual, partnership, association, syndicate, company, firm, trust, corporation, government corporation, department, bureau, agency or any entity recognized by law.
(i) "Occupant" means the individual, partnership or corporation that has the use of or occupies any building or a part or fraction thereof, whether the actual owner or tenant. In the case of a vacant building or any vacant portion of a building, the owner, lessee, agent or custodian shall have the responsibilities of an occupant.
(Ord. 6298. Passed 3-16-73.)
(Ord. 6298. Passed 3-16-73.)