(a)    Areas which become annexed to the City subsequent to the adoption of this section (Ord. 4702, passed August 21, 1956) shall be classified automatically to conform to the zoning district to which they are contiguous, unless the Planning Commission feels that a more restrictive zone application is in the best interests of the City; such would be the case particularly in zoning newly annexed properties to an R-3 District which is established primarily for application to undeveloped and annexed areas to provide more desirable residential sites.
   (b)    If annexed areas are contiguous to more than one zone the Planning Commission shall have the authority to classify them in accordance with the land uses therein and appropriately to the land uses in the adjacent contiguous zoned districts.
   (c)    Nonconforming uses in annexed areas shall be subject to the nonconforming use provisions of this Zoning Code.
   (d)    Areas shown as public and semipublic uses on the Zoning Map shall become classified automatically to conform to the zoning district to which they are contiguous, if and when these areas are made available for private development or use. If they are contiguous to more than one district, the Planning Commission shall have the authority to classify them in accordance with the land uses in the adjacent contiguous districts.
   (e)    Public rights of way which become legally closed shall become classified automatically with the zone district of the adjoining property. Private easements and railroad rights of way shall only be used for the purposes for which the easements or rights of way
were established.
(Ord. 4702. Passed 8-21-56.)