The following uses are not permitted in any zone district in the City:
   (a)    Aluminum powder or paint manufacture;
   (b)    Bee keeping;
   (c)    Clay products manufacture, using coal-fired kilns;
   (d)    Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster-of-Paris manufacture;
   (e)    Commercial feeding establishments for cattle, fowl or hogs;
   (f)   Fertilizer manufacture, either organic or nonorganic, but not limiting the treatment of sewage by the Municipality;
   (g)    Explosives, including ammunition and fireworks, manufacture or wholesale storage;
   (h)    Pulp reduction or processing;
   (i)    Trailers for human habitation except in established trailer courts;
   (j)    Stockyards.
      (Ord. 4702. Passed 8-21-56.)