(a)    The Director of Public Safety is directed to establish such taxicab stands as will best serve the interest of the public. He shall designate the same by stanchions or signs bearing the legend that the area is a taxicab stand and designate the number of taxicabs permitted to park there. No vehicle other than a taxicab shall be allowed to park there except as provided in Section 351.10 of the Traffic Code. The Director is authorized to establish such rules and regulations with reference to the use of the taxicab stands and the operation of taxicabs in the City as, in his judgment, are needed to facilitate traffic on the streets and insure the safety of the public.
   (b)    The Director of Public Safety shall collect from the owner or operator of any taxicab or taxicab stand, as a license fee for parking such vehicles, an amount based on the following:
      Space necessary for parking of one taxi - $25.00
      Space necessary for parking of two taxis - $50.00
   Such license shall be for a period of one year, ending on the fifteenth day of March of each year.
(Ord. 3944. Passed 2-12-49.)