(a)   No massage technician shall willfully perform any of the following acts:
      (1)   Placing of hand or hands upon, touching with any part of the body, stroking in any manner or massaging a sexual or genital part, or any portion thereof, of any other person.
      (2)   Exposing of a sexual or genital part, or any portion thereof, to any other person.
      (3)   Failing to conceal with a fully opaque covering in the presence of any other person, the sexual or genital parts of such massage technician.
   (b)   No person owning, operating or managing a massage parlor shall knowingly cause, allow or permit, in or about such massage parlor, any massage technician or any agent, employee or other person under his control or supervision, to perform any act prohibited in subsection (a) of this section.
(Passed 6-26-75.)