(a) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons who are standing or sitting within 100 feet of an establishment which sells alcoholic liquor and/or non-intoxicating beer, as defined in Martinsburg City Code Article 521 et seq., to obstruct free passage on or along the street or sidewalk, or to disobey a request by a Police Officer to move on.
(b) The 100 feet distance mentioned in this section is to be measured in any direction from the center of the main entrance, or any other entrance used by the public, of the establishment.
(c) Nothing contained in this section is intended to prevent property owners, their tenants, or the guests thereof, from sitting on the front steps or standing on the sidewalk in front of their property, regardless of whether or not the property is within the 100 feet distance.
(Ord. 2000-08. Passed 6-8-00.)