(a) The exterior of the premises and the condition of accessory structures shall be maintained so that the appearance of the premises and the structures thereon shall reflect a reasonable level of maintenance. The exterior of every structure or accessory structure (including fences, signs, and storefronts) shall be maintained in good repair and all surfaces thereof shall be kept painted or white washed where necessary for the purpose of preservation and appearances. All surfaces shall be maintained free of broken glass, loose shingles, crumbling masonry, excessive peeling paint or other conditions reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance to the end that the property itself may be preserved and safe and fire hazards eliminated.
(b) All windows exposed to the public view shall be kept clean and free of marks of
foreign substance except when necessary in the course of changing displays. No storage materials, stock, or inventory other than items for display shall be permitted in window display areas ordinarily exposed to public view unless said areas are first screened from public view by drapes, Venetian blinds or other permanent rendering of the windows opaque to the public view. All screening of interiors shall be maintained in clean materials and in good state of repair. This applies to both occupied and unoccupied structures.
(c) All permanent signs and billboards exposed to public view permitted by reason of
other regulations or as a lawful nonconforming use shall be maintained in good repair. Any signs that have excessively weathered or faded or those upon which the paint has excessively peeled or cracked shall with their supporting members, be removed forthwith, or put into a good state of repair. All nonoperative or broken electrical signs shall be repaired or shall, with their supporting members, be removed forthwith.
(d) Any awning or marquee and its accompanying structural members that extend over any street, sidewalk, or any other portion of the premises shall be maintained in good repair and shall not constitute a nuisance or a safety hazard. In the event such awnings or marquees are not properly maintained in accordance with the foregoing, they shall, together with their supporting members, be removed forthwith. In the event said awnings or marquees are made of cloth, plastic or of similar material, said cloth or plastic where exposed to public view shall not show evidence of excessive weathering, discoloration, ripping, tearings, or other holes. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize any encroachment on sidewalks, or other parts of the public domain, except as permitted under other statues, Ordinance, or regulations.
(e) Solid or permanently enclosed or covered storefronts shall not be permitted, unless treated as an integral part of the building façade using wall materials and window detailing compatible with the upper floors. All damaged, sagging, or otherwise deteriorated storefronts, show windows, or entrances shall be repaired or replaced.
(f) Rear and side walls shall be repaired and painted to present a neat and fresh appearance. Rear walls should be painted to cover evenly all miscellaneous patched and filled areas or be stuccoed to present an even and uniform surface. Side walls in public view shall be finished so as to be harmonious with the front of the building.
(g) Chimneys, elevator penthouses, or any other auxiliary structures on the roofs shall be repaired and cleaned as required for rear and side walls. Any construction visible from the street or from other buildings shall be finished so as to be harmonious with other visible building walls.
(h) Compliance: All persons, corporations, partnerships, owners, lessees, or lessors
which own, lease, or occupy real estate and improvements located or constructed upon real estate located within the Geographical Boundaries governed by Article 1333
of the City of Martinsburg Zoning Ordinance, known as “Administration of the Historic Preservation Districts:” shall comply with the provisions, articles, sections, and requirements of said Article 1333
as it requires affirmative action to be taken by said persons, corporations, partnerships, owners, lessees, or lessors, within three (3) years of its date of passage into law, that is, by April 8, 1985, subject to the following exception: All sections of Article 1333
of the Martinsburg Zoning Ordinance dealing with administrative procedures of any governmental bodies, including the Historic Preservation Review Commission, and including any building or repair applications required to be made to or approved by governmental bodies, including the Historic Preservation Review Commission, shall be in effect immediately upon date of passage of this Ordinance, that is, as of April 8, 1982.
(Ord. Passed 4-8-82.)