(a)   The Historic Preservation Review Commission shall review all plans for the construction, alteration, repair, and designs including painting, moving, or demolition of structures in the historic preservation district. No building or structure exposed to public view including fences, boundary walls, signs, light fixtures, steps and paving or other appurtenant fixtures, public or private, shall be erected, altered, restored, moved, or demolished within a historic preservation district until after an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness as to exterior architectural features has been submitted to and approved by the Commission. For the purposes of this Ordinance, “exterior architectural features” shall include the color, architectural style, general design, and general arrangement of the exterior of a structure, including the kind of texture of the building materials, and type and style of all windows, doors, light fixtures, signs, and other appurtenant fixtures. The style, material, size and location of all signs within a historic preservation district shall also be under the control of the Historic Review Commission. All work shall be designed to be compatible and harmonious and consistent with original scale, style and character of the structure.
   (b)   The Commission shall not consider interior arrangement or use, but shall consider the relationship of the exterior of the building or structure concerned with all others in the historic preservation district, so as to avoid incongruity and to preserve the overall character of the area. New buildings need not necessarily be in any one historical style, as long as the scale and design of the building, and the materials used, are in harmony with the overall character of the historic area.
(Ord. Passed 4-8-82.)