(a)   Purpose.
      (1)   The Annexation Reserve (AR) District is the zoning classification applied to an annexed parcel(s) upon approval and assignment into the City's jurisdiction. The AR District is a temporary holding district meant to accommodate existing Uses until the zoning classification(s) deemed most appropriate for the annexed parcels has been enacted through the zoning amendment provisions specified under Section 1321.12 of this Ordinance.
      (2)   Parcels in the AR District may not be subdivided until the City has enacted the zoning classification(s) deemed most appropriate for the annexed parcels.
      (3)   An approved rezoning to any other Zoning District authorized by this Ordinance, or as amended, is necessary prior to subdivision or further development of such parcels or undertaking Uses other than the Uses existing thereon at the time of annexation. The rezoning request must be compatible with the goals and policies of the Martinsburg Comprehensive Plan.
   (b)   Authority. The AR District is hereby created under the authority of Chapters 8-6-1(a) and 8A-7-2(b)(1) of the West Virginia Code. Respectfully thereunder, unincorporated territory may be annexed to and become part of a municipality contiguous thereto and municipalities may regulate the use of land and designate or prohibit specific land uses within its municipal jurisdiction.
(Ord. 2021-07. Passed 7-21-21.)