(a)   Driveways may be used to provide a place and access for vehicular movement only between a parking area for a single residential Unit of occupancy or agricultural use (farm) and a Street, Alley, or Access Drive. Driveways may be used for off-street parking. Driveways shall conform to the following:
      (1)   Residential Driveway entrances shall be provided from any roadway to all single-family residences in accordance with Standard Detail DE-1 or Standard Detail DE-2 in Appendix B (depending upon the curb and gutter requirements).
      (2)   There shall be no more than one (1) vehicular entrance per individual Lot on a Public Street, unless the entrances are separated by a minimum of one hundred-fifty (150) feet.
      (3)   No Driveway shall be constructed closer than forty (40) feet to the nearest Street Intersection.
      (4)   Driveways shall be located more than five (5) feet from an adjoining property unless used as a shared Driveway between the two abutting properties. Recorded Maintenance Agreements shall be required before approval of Preliminary Plan.
      (5)   Driveway grades shall not exceed three percent (3%) from the edge of the intersecting Street pavement to the property line, nor exceed ten percent (10%) from the property line to the garage, carport, or other off-street parking space.
      (6)   The maximum Slope of embankments adjacent to Driveways shall not exceed 1V:3H unless a retaining wall is used to ensure that the earth is stabilized.
      (7)   Driveways shall be constructed of bituminous asphalt, paved concrete, or pervious pavers per Section 1307.17 (e)(4).
         (Ord. 2022-13. Passed 11-10-22.)