(a) Internal Circulation. A complete system of internal traffic circulation shall be provided to serve all uses in any shopping center or other integrated-use Development included in a Subdivision and/or Land Development Application. In such Subdivision and/or Land Development, internal access shall be provided in a fashion so that all uses can be mutually accessed without entering onto Primary or Major Collector Streets.
(b) Traffic Impact Study (TIS).
(1) West Virginia DOH Traffic Engineering Directive 106-2, Procedures for Conducting Traffic Impact Studies (or the most recent published version), shall be followed to conduct traffic impact studies, which are required under any of the following conditions:
A. When the proposed Subdivision and/or Land Development is projected to generate one hundred (100) or more trips per hour during the peak generating time for the Subdivision and/or Land Development.
B. For smaller Subdivision and/or Land Development, under one of the following three conditions:
1. When the proposed new approach is to an Intersection already operating at level of service (LOS) “D” or worse.
2. When the Applicant or Developer is requesting a new traffic signal.
3. When modification of an existing traffic signal is being requested.
C. An older TIS may need to be updated when the data is more than two (2) years old.
(2) A traffic impact study may not be required in situations where the West Virginia DOH is agreeable to the proposed mitigation measures without conducting a TIS. (Ord. 2022-13. Passed 11-10-22.)