(a) Subdivision Access to Public Roads.
(1) Subdivision Roads shall be coordinated with existing or proposed public Roads. Lots must be served by internal Subdivision Roads unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission. Subdivision Road entrances onto public Roads must be acceptable to the Planning Commission and to the West Virginia DOH as to location, number of entrances, Drainage provisions, traffic safety, traffic control devices, and general entrance design.
(2) Non-residential Subdivision entrances access to public Roads shall be designed to minimize traffic conflicts in accordance with guidelines of the latest edition of the Transportation Research Board’s Access Management Manual; or as determined by the City Engineer/Planning Director or designee. Generally, a Subdivision entrance shall be spaced a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from the Intersection of two public Roads.
(3) For emergency ingress and egress purposes, a Subdivision shall be served by two entrances. The entrances shall be offset a minimum of three hundred (300) foot centerline to centerline. For a residential Subdivision, a single entrance may be used under the following conditions:
Maximum Number of Lots Single Entrance Road Width 12 22’ entire length 13 to 30 24’ entire length |
Residential Subdivision with more than thirty (30) Lots shall have two entrances.
(4) Where a Subdivision Road Slopes toward a public highway, the entrance Slope may not exceed a three percent (3%) grade for at least one hundred (100) linear feet into the Subdivision.
(5) Where a Subdivision entrance Slopes away from a public highway, the entrance Slope may not exceed a five percent (5%) Slope for at least one hundred (100) linear feet into the Subdivision.
(6) Residential and non-residential Subdivision boulevard type entrances used at the point of connection of a Subdivision Road to the public highway shall be designed as follows:
A. Raised median minimum four (4) feet wide with concrete curb.
B. Single lane width of a minimum of thirteen (13) feet and maximum of seventeen (17) feet.
C. The single lane width shall extend a minimum of fifty (50) feet beyond the termination of the median; at which point a pavement edge transition taper of 10:1 to a two-way Street pavement width shall begin.
(7) Non-Residential Subdivision shall have a concrete entrance apron, as follows:
[Full width of the Subdivision Road pavement] x [25’ long] x [6” depth] with welded wire fabric reinforced 3,000 psi Portland cement concrete. The apron shall be designed to carry the loads imposed by the anticipated vehicular traffic.
(b) Site Development Access to Public Roads.
(1) Site Development site entrance drives and site access shall be designed to minimize traffic conflicts in accordance with guidelines of the latest edition of the Transportation Research Board’s Access Management Manual; or as determined by the City Engineer/Planning Director or designee.
(2) Entrance width limits are as follows:
A. Minimum one-way 13 feet
B. Maximum one-way 17 feet
C. Minimum two-way 24 feet
D. Maximum two-way 35 feet
E. Length of entrance shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet long from the existing edge of pavement of the access Road before beginning a 1:15 taper from the edge of pavement to desired width.
(3) Site development entrance Access Drives shall be spaced as follows:
A. A minimum of seventy-five (75) feet centerline to centerline;
B. A minimum of seventy-five (75) feet from the centerline of an internal Subdivision Road Intersection; and
C. A minimum of one hundred (150) feet from the Intersection of a non-residential Subdivision entrance Road or public highway with another public highway.
(4) Site Development Access Drives to Subdivision Streets and public Roads shall have a concrete entrance apron, as follows:
[Full width of the Driveway] x [25’ long] x [6” depth] with welded wire fabric reinforced 3,000 psi Portland Cement Concrete and four (4) inches of base stone. The apron shall be designed to carry the loads imposed by the anticipated vehicular traffic.
(5) Minimum fillet radii at the site Development Access Drive Intersection with the Subdivision Street or public highway should be thirty-five (35) feet.
(Ord. 2022-13. Passed 11-10-22.)