(a)   Filing Requirements.
      (1)   Upon satisfactory completion of the installation of the required Improvements shown in the approved Preliminary and/or Final Subdivision and/or Land Development Application, the Applicant shall submit to the City Engineer/Planning Director or designee one (1) electronic copy via the City’s current electronic application submission system and a CAD/GIS file compatible with the City’s current software of the completed As-Built Drawings, prepared, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer or Professional Land Surveyor.
      (2)   Such As-Built Drawings shall accompany the request for bond release in accordance with Article 1309 of this Ordinance or be submitted prior to Final Subdivision and/or Land Development Application approval if such is made a condition of approval, whichever is applicable.
   (b)   As-Built Drawings. The following items shall be surveyed to determine actual field conditions, and the approved Preliminary Plat, as revised and annotated to reflect such actual field conditions, shall constitute the As-Built Drawings.
      (1)   Streets (Public and Private).
         A.   Horizontal alignment with radii, (lengths, (P)(C) and (P)T. stations, tangents, and all other curve information).
         B.   Vertical alignment with centerline grades, vertical curve lengths, station and elevation of all PVC’s and PVT’s, and centerline profile.
         C.   Copies of Maintenance Agreements or covenants addressing maintenance of any Private Streets, Alleys, streetscaping, private Easements, etc.
         D.   Areas where Road stabilization fabrics or heavier pavement Structures are used.
      (2)   Potable Water.
         A.   The location of all fire hydrants, water meter boxes, casings and points of connection to the existing system shall be referenced in two perpendicular directions. The Applicant’s Professional Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer may use other forms of as-built locations, such as providing coordinates referenced to state plane for noting the horizontal locations of this utility.
         B.   The location of mains located within the public Right-of-Way.
         C.   Horizontal dimensions shall be to the nearest tenth of a foot and vertical dimensions shall be to the nearest hundredth of a foot.
         D.   Horizontal locations will be required perpendicular to the Right-of-Way at one hundred foot (100') intervals.
         E.   Elevations on the main and finished grade will also be required at all pipe dead ends, Intersections, size changes, points of connection to existing system, at Intersections of pipe, at five hundred foot (500’) intervals, and where the standard depth of cover is not provided. Elevations shall be measured from the pipe invert elevation.
      (3)   Gravity Sewer.
         A.   The location of all piping, wyes, tees, utility holes, cleanouts and points of connection to the existing system shall be referenced in two perpendicular directions. The Applicant’s Professional Engineer, Professional Geologist, Licensed Landscape Architect, or Professional Land Surveyor may use other forms of as-built locations, such as providing coordinates referenced to state plane for noting the horizontal locations of this utility.
         B.   The location of mains located within the public Right-of-Way.
         C.   Horizontal dimensions shall be to the nearest tenth of a foot and vertical dimensions shall be to the nearest hundredth of a foot.
         D.   Runs of gravity sewers shall be identified.
         E.   Elevations shall be given for the north rim of the top of all utility hole covers and all utility hole inverts.
         F.   Elevations on the service piping and finished grade will be required at the property line for only those sewer service laterals which result in more than sixty (60) inches of cover or less than thirty (30) inches of cover.
         G.   For sewer service laterals which are totally perpendicular to the main, the location of the end of sewer services shall be given to the plug and be located from the side property line or by station and offset. For sewer service laterals, which include bends and offsets which result in a service which is not totally perpendicular to the main, for these cases, the location of all fittings between the sanitary tee and the plug (at the property line) shall be provided.
         H.   Utility hole types shall be identified.
      (4)   Force Mains.
         A.   The location of valves, fittings, casings and points of connection to the existing system shall be referenced in two perpendicular directions. The Applicant’s Professional Engineer, Professional Geologist, Licensed Landscape Architect, or Professional Land Surveyor may use other forms of as-built locations, such as providing coordinates referenced to state plane for noting the horizontal locations of this utility.
         B.   The location of mains located within the public Right-of-Way.
         C.   Horizontal dimensions shall be to the nearest tenth of a foot and vertical dimensions shall be to the nearest hundredth of a foot.
         D.   Horizontal locations will be required perpendicular to the Right-of-Way at one hundred (100) foot intervals.
         E.   Elevations on the main and finished grade will be required at points of connection to the existing system, five hundred (500) foot intervals, at high points, and where the standard depth of cover is not provided. Elevations shall be measured from the pipe invert elevation.
      (5)   Pumping Stations.
         A.   Wet well size and location shall be indicated and located to property lines and/or Right-of-Way lines.
         B.   All lines within the pump station site shall be located to property lines and/or Right-of-Way lines.
         C.   Elevations shall be indicated at inverts, wet well top and bottom, and at ground adjacent to wet well. All types and sizes of lines and fittings shall be indicated.
         D.   All schedules that show pump, motor and electrical data shall be corrected to show the as-built condition and submitted with the pump station drawings.
         E.   As-built information should be provided for the pump station site Plan. Within the pump station boundaries, the following shall be located horizontally: pump-out, water spigot and cross-connection control device, wet well, control panel, bends, fittings, utility holes, generator and fuel tank (if applicable), transformer, fence, and auxiliary electrical enclosures, as applicable.
         F.   The Applicant or Developer shall provide a boundary survey of the pump station site showing above and below ground Improvements. The boundary survey shall be certified by a Professional Engineer, Professional Geologist, Licensed Landscape Architect, or Professional Land Surveyor.
         G.   All buried electrical conduit shall be labeled and located to property lines and/or Right-of-Way lines including electrical service from utility transformer to station meter and to control panel.
         H.   If the pump station is privately owned, provide owner’s name and phone number for future coordination tasks and emergency events.
      (6)   Storm Drain.
         A.   The location of all piping, wyes, tees, utility holes, inlets, cleanouts and points of connection to the existing system shall be referenced in two perpendicular directions. The Applicant’s Professional Engineer, Professional Geologist, Licensed Landscape Architect, or Professional Land Surveyor may use other forms of as-built locations, such as providing coordinates referenced to state plane for noting the horizontal locations of this utility.
         B.   The location of mains located within the public Right-of-Way.
         C.   Horizontal dimensions shall be to the nearest tenth of a foot and vertical dimensions shall be to the nearest hundredth of a foot.
         D.   Runs of storm sewers shall be identified.
         E.   Elevations shall be given for the north rim of the top of all utility hole covers and inlets and catch basins and all utility hole, inlet and catch basin inverts.
         F.   Storm Drain, utility hole, inlet and catch basin types shall be identified.
      (7)   Buildings. As-Built Drawings for Buildings constituting part of the Improvements (e.g., pump-station Buildings) shall be marked to indicate any and all changes made. As-Built Drawings shall also include the installed size, elevation and location of all exterior equipment, and Structures.
      (8)   Stormwater Management Facilities.
   (c)   Checklist. A Professional Engineer, Professional Geologist, Licensed Landscape Architect, or Professional Land Surveyor submitting the As-Built Drawings shall also submit a statement in the As-Built Drawings certifying that the following items have been inspected and found to be in substantial conformance with the approved construction Plans and profiles or site Plans, as applicable.
      (1)   Curb and Gutter. Confirm that the curbs are the proper type.
      (2)   Sidewalk/Trail. Confirm that the sidewalk/trail is correctly situated with relation to the Rights-Of-Way or Easement. Verify that the construction material used is as approved.
      (3)   Drainage. Confirm that the Drainage patterns have been established in conformance with the grading Plans. Confirm that Slopes and Swales are properly located and graded. Confirm that positive Drainage exists.
      (4)   Pavement. Provide a copy of the approved pavement design. Confirm that all pavement was placed in accordance with the approved pavement design. Confirm that all material was compacted to required standards. Provide a copy of the approved striping and signage Plan.
      (5)   Sight triangle and clear zones. Confirm that there are no encroachments.
      (6)   Utility placement within Roads. Provide a statement that all utilities located within Roads are within recorded Easements, or if in public Right-of-Way, located as approved and per the West Virginia DOH permit requirements.
      (7)   Landscaping and Buffering. Confirm the Landscaping is in general conformance as to location with an approved landscape Plan. Confirm plantings conform to correct category (canopy, understory, shrub, or evergreen) in, at a minimum, the required quantities. Plantings in excess of the required quantities are acceptable and do not constitute the need for a redline revision. If the Landscaping does not meet the minimum requirements as set forth in the approved site Plan, then a redline landscape Plan shall be submitted for review and approval.
         (Ord. 2022-13. Passed 11-10-22.)