Pursuant to notice, Council shall conduct a hearing pursuant to this article, at which hearing both the complainant and the person so charged with maintaining such nuisance, together with such witnesses as they may produce shall be fully heard. Upon such hearing a continuance for proper cause shown may be granted at the instance of either party. If upon the hearing of the matter Council by majority vote of the members present constituting a quorum thereof shall determine that such nuisance exists as charged in the complaint, it shall provide by resolution for its abatement as follows:
   (a)    If such nuisance be in a place of business or other establishment for the conduct of which the City has issued a license, then such license may be revoked.
   (b)    If the nuisance found to exist be that of conducting a house of ill fame bawdy house, house of prostitution, gambling house, or place for the handling, sale or other disposition of intoxicating liquors contrary to the statutes of the state or the provisions of this Code or other ordinances of the City,. the. resolution of Council may authorize and direct the City Attorney to tutrtnms on behalf of the City a suit in equity in the proper form for the abatement of such nuisance and the closing of such premises as provided by statute.
   (c)    If any nuisance be found to exist other than those specially enumerated in subsections (a) and (b) hereof, and the provisions of this Code and other ordinances of the City do not provide for its abatement Council may authorize the issuance of a warrant before the Mayor or, upon the complamt of any official of the City, or any bona fide resident, filed before the Mayor, prosecution shall immediately be had of any person shown to be maintaining or harboring such nuisance.
      (1965 Code Sec. 21-6.)