(a)   The “Berkeley County Road Name Index” to be adopted and filed in the Office of the County of Berkeley and Martinsburg City Hall shall be the official listing of names for streets and roads in Berkeley County and the City of Martinsburg and such streets and roads are hereby assigned the names listed therein. As used in this section, the terms “street” and “road” shall have the same meaning and shall also include avenues, boulevards, highways, lanes, ways, and similar street types.
   (b)   The Director of 911, or her duly authorized agent, is hereby authorized to assign names to any public or private road or street in the County which provides access to three or more occupied buildings, and is further authorized to assign names to any public or private road or street in the City of Martinsburg which provides access to three or more occupied buildings, subject to final approval of Council.
   (c)   The Director of 911, or her duly authorized agent, is hereby authorized to negotiate with residents along streets or roads bearing duplicate or confusingly similar names in the County and to change the names of such roads or streets to eliminate such duplicate, with any such name changes of streets within the City to be subject to final approval of Council.
   (d)   No street or road within the County or City of Martinsburg shall be assigned a name on a subdivision plat or otherwise until such name is registered with Berkeley County Central Dispatch, approved, and added to the “Berkeley County Road Name Index”. Berkeley County Central Dispatch, or the duly authorized agent, shall have the authority to refuse registration of any name already in use, confusingly similar to a name already registered, deemed confusing for purposes of emergency response, or deemed inappropriate by said Administrator or by the County Commission, or by the City Council in regard to any street or road within the City.
   (e)   No street or road name currently shown on a subdivision plat filed with the County or with the City of Martinsburg or otherwise shall be implemented by a subdivision owner until such name has been registered with Berkeley County Central Dispatch, or the duly authorized agent, approved and added to the “Berkeley County Road Name Index” provided however, that this section shall not apply to any road or street presently constructed on which street signs have been placed prior to the effective date of the ordinance. Berkeley County Central Dispatch or the duly authorized agent shall have the right to refuse registration of any name already in use, confusingly similar to a name already registered, deemed confusing for purposes of emergency response, or deemed in appropriate by said Department or by the County Commission or by Council.
   (f)   All new street signs erected within Berkeley County and the City shall be in conformance with the specifications of this section, unless a variance is granted by the West Virginia Department of Highways or the Berkeley County Commission. Street name signs shall be in accordance to West Virginia State Code, following standards set by the West Virginia Department of Highways.
   (g)   The Director of 911 or duly authorized agent is hereby authorized to direct the placement of street signs at intersections within the County. The initial costs of such signs and installation to be appropriated from E911 telephone fees as approved by the County Commission. The Director of 911 shall have the authority herein within the City of Martinsburg only upon approval by Council.
   (h)   The owner of any subdivision or other development shall direct or cause to be erected street signs in conformance with this ordinance at any and all intersections within such subdivision or development upon the construction on any street on or after the effective date of this section. Where any subdivision owner is currently required to erect street signs but has failed to do so, the future erection of street signs shall be in accordance with this section.
   (i)   All properties or parcels of land within Berkeley County and the City of Martinsburg shall hereafter be identified by reference to a uniform numbering system, as shown on maps filed in the Office of the Director of 911. Said maps and the explanatory matter thereon are hereby adopted and made a part of this section.
   (j)   A house or building number shall be assigned to each dwelling or other building in the County and in the City. The combination of such numbers and the road or street name shall be the official address of such dwelling or building. Such location shall serve as the official mailing address for postal patrons receiving home or rural delivery.
   (k)   When each house or building has been assigned its respective address, the owner, occupant, or agent shall place or cause to be placed upon each house or building controlled by him the number or numbers assigned under the uniform numbering system. Such numbers shall be placed on existing buildings within sixty days of notification of the assigned address. Such numbers shall be placed on new buildings prior to occupancy. The cost of posting the address shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
   (l)   Street address numbers for residences shall be in accordance with The BOCA National Property Maintenance Code, Section PM-304.2, Exterior Structure, Street Numbers. The numbers shall be in arabic numerals at least three inches in height, and of a durable and clearly visible material. The numbers shall be placed on, above, or at the side of the main entrance so the number visible from the public right-of-way. Whenever a residence entrance is not visible from the public right-of-way, the number shall be placed along a driveway, or property entrance. Address numbers are to be contrasting color to the background on which they are mounted.
   (m)   Street address numbers for commercial and industrial structures shall follow BOCA PM 304.2 code regulation. The number shall be placed above or on the main entrance of the structure when possible. If such number is not visible from the public right-of-way, the number shall be placed along a driveway or on a sign visible from the same.
   (n)   Apartments, trailer parks, and similar complexes assigned a single building number shall display address numbers on each assigned structure following the BOCA PM 304.2 code. Numbers and/or letters for individual apartments or units within these complexes shall be displayed on, above, or to the side of the main doorway of each apartment or unit.
   (o)   Whenever any house, building, or structure shall be erected or located after the initial establishment of the uniform numbering system as provided herein, it shall be the duty of the property owners to procure the correct number or numbers for said property and to affix said numbers to said building in accordance with this ordinance. An application for a building permit for a new building shall be considered an application for an address assignment. The building official shall coordinate with Berkeley County Central Dispatch for the assignment of addresses, and forward the assigned address to the applicant not later than sixty days following issuance of said permit. The applicant shall be required to furnish such measurements in relation to other properties or be required to furnish such measurements in relation to intersections or other landmarks as shall be deemed necessary for the assignment of a valid address.
   (p)   In applying the guidelines specified herein, the Director of 911 or her duly authorized agent shall have the authority to make minor adjustments and modifications to ensure logical and efficient street address system, said authorization within the City subject to review and approval of Council.
   (q)   The provisions of this section shall be applicable in all areas of Berkeley County within the incorporated City.
   (r)   Whenever the Director of 911, or her duly authorized agent, has reason to believe there has been or there exists a violation of this section, she shall give written notice of such violation to the person failing to comply, and order said person to take corrective measures within thirty days from the date of notification. If such person fails to comply with the duly issued order, the Director of 911, or her agent, shall initiate necessary actions to terminate the violation through criminal or civil measures. Prior to taking any such action against the owner of real estate within the City, the Director of 911 shall notify the City Manager.
   (s)   During the initial project stage and prior to the completion of the project, any requests concerning road name changes and/or addressing complaints will first be directed to the Director of Berkeley County Central Dispatch within thirty days from the time of road name or address assignment. If the initial contact does not satisfy the individual’s concerns, he or she may appeal the Director’s decision to the Berkeley County 9-1-1 Advisory Board. If a satisfactory decision cannot be reached in regard to streets, roads, or properties within the City, the appeal will be forwarded to Council for final disposition.
   (t)   After implementation of the address conversion system, any and all concerns, problems, or complaints regarding the naming and numbering system throughout the City of Martinsburg will be handled on an individual basis by the Director of Berkeley County Central Dispatch and the Berkeley County 9-1-1 Advisory Board by forwarding a recommendation for final approval to Council, with the City Council to make final decision.
(Ord. 97-17. Passed 9-11-97.)