(a) Curb Construction Standards. All curbs shall be constructed of concrete only (3,500 PSI minimum). All expansion joints in curbing shall be one-half (½) inch in thickness. Expansion joints are required at all inlets and at the end of a day's work. In lieu of expansion joints, curbs may be sawed to a depth of two (2) inches with a three-sixteenths (3/16) inch saw groove and filled with a caulking with prior approval of the City Manager.
(1) Vertical curbs shall extend in depth eighteen (18) inches from top to bottom. Curb thickness shall be eight (8) inches at the finished grade of the street and thence downward the entire depth. The thickness shall taper from the grade of the street toward the property line so that at its top, the curb shall be seven (7) inches thick. The height of the curb above the street grade at the curbline shall be eight (8) inches. There shall be a three-fourths inch radius on top of the curb facing the street and a one-fourth inch radius on the top of the curb toward the property. The front face of the curb shall have a smooth rubbed finish to the street grade line. Expansion joints shall be placed approximately every twenty (20) feet; however, no expansion joints shall be placed in any driveway depression. In case of private driveways crossing any sidewalk, the curb may be depressed across the entire width of the driveway by providing a sloping section at either side with a slope of five (5) inches per foot. Residential driveway depressions shall be not less than ten (10) feet nor greater than twenty (20) feet. The depressed portion of the curb shall maintain a full eighteen (18) inches of concrete. In cases where downspout water is discharged at the curb, a four inch pipe must be placed under the sidewalk and a four inch plastic insert through the entire thickness of the curb. This will outlet the water into the gutter. Outlet opening shall be placed three (3) inches from the top of the curb in areas designated by the City Manager. Curb radii of less than fifty-foot arc and all driveway curb depressions shall be reinforced with a minimum of two (2) one-half inch reinforcement rods. Reinforcement rods shall be constructed in a manner acceptable to the City Manager.
(2) Slant curb shall extend in depth sixteen (16) inches from top to bottom on the property side of the curb and twelve (12) inches in depth on the front face of the curb, thus allowing for a four inch slant from the front of the curb to the property side of the curb. All slant curb shall be fourteen (14) inches in thickness. Expansion joints shall be placed approximately every sixty (60) feet. There shall be a three-fourths inch radius on the top of the curb facing the street and a three-fourths inch radius on top of the curb toward the property. The front face of the curb shall have a smooth finish to the street grade line.
(3) Curb types, designs, and styles other than slant and vertical as described herein are prohibited in the City of Martinsburg.
(b) Sidewalk Construction Standards.
(1) Every owner of property in the City of Martinsburg shall, on sixty (60) days notice from the City Manager through his agent, construct or reconstruct either a sidewalk or curb, or both, as specified in the notice, which shall conform to all applicable requirements of this Section or any previous ordinance, in front of or alongside of such property.
(2) Every owner of property in the City shall have thirty (30) days notice from the City Manager to repair the sidewalk or curbing, or both, in the matter stipulated in such notice, in front of or alongside of such property.
(3) All sidewalks and curbing shall be constructed, reconstructed, and repaired in accordance with this Article and according to the following specifications:
A. New sidewalks constructed shall be of concrete construction, minimum strength shall be 3,500 PSI. Sidewalks shall be scored or sawed in general in four foot sections and in no case shall scored/sawed sections be more than six (6) feet in length. A one-half inch bituminous expansion joint shall be provided at least once in every fifth section length of the sidewalks. A one-half inch bituminous expansion joint shall be provided where the sidewalk meets a curb, driveway, concrete private walkway and buildings, and at such other places as may be directed by the City Manager. All utility poles, traffic posts, water hydrants, fire hydrants, sign posts and any other object positioned with the sidewalk must be separated with a one-half inch bituminous expansion joint providing a clearance of six (6) inches.
B. The thickness of all finished walks shall be at least four (4) inches laid on an approved five to eight inch stone base. All sidewalks shall maintain a one-fourth inch per foot slope toward the curb. The front edge of the sidewalk shall be elevated one (1) inch above the top of the curb and the back edge shall be one (1) inch higher than the front edge. Finished sidewalks shall have a broomed abrasive surface. (Ord. 95-02. Passed 2-9-95.)
C. Sidewalks may be constructed with a curb as a single integral unit or may be constructed as set forth in subsection (b)(3)A. The provisions of this subsection shall take precedence over any conflicting provisions as set forth in subsection (b)(3)A.
(Ord. 96-08. Passed 8-8-96.)
(4) Where sidewalks are a part of the driveway, the sidewalk shall maintain grade, with no depression, as to provide a safe and easy walkway. That portion of the driveway that provides access to private property between the curb and the sidewalk shall be constructed of concrete with a minimum thickness of six (6) inches reinforced with wire mesh. A one-half inch bituminous expansion joint shall be provided where the driveway abuts the sidewalk and/or curb. That portion of the sidewalk that constitutes the driveway shall be six (6) inches in thickness and reinforced with wire mesh.
(5) All details of construction not mentioned in this section shall be in accordance with approved engineering specifications.
(c) Standard Composition of Bituminous Streets. The standard composition of all streets shall be as specified by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications, Roads and Bridges.
(d) Applicability.
(1) The provisions of this Article shall apply to and be binding upon the owners and occupiers of lands abutting streets in the City of Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West Virginia.
(2) The provisions of this Article shall apply in all cases except as varied in particular cases by appropriate action of the Martinsburg City Council.
(Ord. 95-02. Passed 2-9-95.)