(A)   The City Administrator is authorized to review applications and approve permits for commercial filming in the city.
   (B)   If the City Administrator approves a filming permit, the producer shall submit the following to the Administrator before the permit is issued (these may be submitted with an application rather than after approval of an application):
      (1)   A certificate of insurance, naming the city as an additional insured, with the following coverages and amounts:
         (a)   Commercial general liability, not less than $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage, with a $5,000,000 umbrella; and
         (b)   Motor vehicle liability, not less than $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage;
      (2)   An agreement, on a form provided by the city, under which the producer will pay in full, promptly upon receipt of an invoice, the following:
         (a)   The costs of repair for any damage to public or private property resulting from, or in connection with, the producer’s commercial filming, if the producer has not fully repaired or restored the property to its condition prior to the filming, or to better than that condition;
         (b)   The costs for any city personnel assigned by the City Administrator to the producer’s commercial filming at rates determined by the City Administrator, whether or not the personnel are requested by the producer; and
         (c)   The costs of any city equipment used in connection with the producer’s commercial filming at rates determined by the City Administrator on a case-by-case basis;
      (3)   An agreement, on a form provided by the city, under which the producer will hold harmless, indemnify and defend the city and its officers, agents and employees from and against all claims that may arise in connection with the producer’s commercial filming;
      (4)   An advance deposit for the use of city property, personnel or equipment, if the City Administrator, in his or her discretion, requires the producer to submit. The City Administrator may, at his or her discretion, allow a producer to make direct payments to city personnel for their services.
   (C)   A permit may cover a period of time, not exceeding one year, during which the producer conducts successive periods of commercial filming in the city. If the application does not list all of the dates and locations at which the filming will occur, the producer must submit such information and applicable fees under § 113.06 to the City Administrator before filming begins at a new location.
(Ord. 2013-08-20-2, passed 8-20-2014)