(A)   Office of Municipal Treasurer created. The office of Municipal Treasurer is created and shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the Council. The Municipal Treasurer may also be referred to as the Municipal Accountant.
   (B)   Powers and duties of Municipal Treasurer.
      (1)   The Municipal Treasurer shall receive and securely keep all money belonging to the municipality. The Treasurer shall make all payments on the order of the Mayor, attested by the Secretary of the municipality under the seal of the municipality. The Treasurer may not pay an order unless the face of the order shows that the governing body directed the issuance of the order and shows the purpose for which it is issued. The Treasurer shall render to the governing body a full statement of the receipts and payments. The statement must be rendered at the governing body's first regular meeting in every quarter and at other times as required by the governing body.
      (2)   The Municipal Treasurer will also perform the following duties which are statutorily given to the Municipal Secretary:
         (a)   Serve as the General Accountant of the municipality and shall keep regular accounts of the municipal receipts and disbursements. The Secretary shall keep each cause of receipt and disbursement separately and under proper headings. The Secretary shall also keep separate accounts with each person, including each officer, who has monetary transactions with the municipality. The Secretary shall credit accounts allowed by proper authority and shall specify the particular transaction to which each entry applies, the Secretary shall keep records of the accounts and other information covered by this section; and
         (b)   Keep a register of bonds and bills issued by the municipality and all evidence of debt due and payable to the municipality, noting the relevant particulars and facts as they occur.
   (C)   Bond. The Municipal Treasurer shall execute a bond. The bond must be in favor of the municipality; be in the form and amount required by the governing body of the municipality; have security approved as sufficient by the governing body; and be conditioned that the Treasurer will faithfully discharge the duties of the office.
(Ord. 2018-11-05, passed 11-5-2018)
Statutory reference:
   Other municipal officers, see Tex. Loc. Gov’t. Code, § 22.071
   Powers and duties of municipal officers; bond, see Tex. Loc. Gov’t. Code, § 22.072
   Powers and duties of secretary, see Tex. Loc. Gov’t. Code, § 22.073
   Duties of Records Management Officer, see Tex. Loc. Gov’t. Code, § 203.023
   Designation of Records Management Officer, see Tex. Loc. Gov’t. Code, § 203.025