(A)   Purpose. The MU Mixed Use district is intended to accommodate a variety of complimentary land uses including retail, office, service and residential uses in close proximity to enable people to live, work and shop in a single location. It is further intended to create central gathering places; to encourage economic and social vitality; to promote the preservation and rehabilitation of downtown buildings; and to provide development opportunities that are safe and attractive to pedestrians and will strengthen the city's economic base.
   (B)   Permitted uses. See the use table in § 155.096 for permitted and specific uses. Primary permitted uses are retail, commercial, service, office and residential. Appropriate mixed-use development may include the following examples:
      (1)   Residential uses in conjunction with nonresidential activities, possibly located above retail and office establishments;
      (2)   Office, retail and service facilities combined to encourage linkage of trips; and
      (3)   Pedestrian-oriented storefronts, amenities and open areas.
   (C)   Property development standards.
      (1)   Because the MU Mixed Use District encompasses the downtown core of the city, limited district-based property development standards shall apply.
      (2)   New or in-fill development shall conform to the setbacks, height and massing of existing structures found throughout the Mixed Use District boundaries in order to maintain the character of the downtown area and shall include a mixture of gable roof style, frame vernacular or Victorian type architecture.
      (3)   See the use table in § 155.096 for specific development standards.
      (4)   If the immediately adjacent properties are vacant, then existing structures on the next developed lot(s) shall serve as examples of the required setbacks, height and massing. All development within the MU District shall comply with other applicable sections of this chapter including compatibility standards in § 155.076 above.
      (5)   Lot coverage. Maximum impervious cover for all uses in the MU District shall be 50% of the lot area.
(Ord. 08-347, passed - -2008; Ord. 2022-10-05, passed 10-5-2022)