(A)   A preliminary plat is required to determine the general layout of the subdivision, the adequacy of public facilities needed to serve the intended development and the overall compliance of the land division with applicable requirements of this chapter. A preliminary plat may be submitted for any phase of development consistent with an approved Subdivision Master Plan. Where a Subdivision Master Plan is not required and the area to be platted is part of a larger tract of land, the preliminary plat must encompass the entire tract of land under ownership of the subdivider and shall provide a preliminary layout of streets, lots, blocks, utilities and drainage for the larger tract.
   (B)   Following the initial application conference and staff review of the concept plan, the applicant shall prepare a preliminary plat, if required, and requested variances, if any, in accordance with § 154.091 below, which, together with other supplementary materials specified herein, shall then be submitted in seven prints to the City Planner for staff review, along with the application form and fee as provided herein, at least three weeks prior to the Commission meeting at which it is to be considered. Upon receipt of staff comments, the applicant shall make any requested corrections or other changes and submit 12 prints of the revised preliminary plat to the City Planner, who will then refer it to the Commission within three weeks of the submission of revisions All plat prints shall be pre-folded to a size no larger than nine inches by 12 inches at the time of submittal.
   (C)   The City Engineer, City Planner or Commission may require the applicant to submit additional topographic information, detailed plans for proposed uses or other information to determine possible flood or erosion hazards, the effect of the subdivision uses upon flows and the adequacy of proposed flood protection measures. The request will be in writing and shall specify the type of additional data required and its format.
   (D)   The preliminary plat shall be reviewed as follows:
      (1)   City Engineer, Public Works and Water/Wastewater Departments, as appropriate:
         (a)   Drainage system;
         (b)   Street layout, paving grades, type of paving;
         (c)   Boundary lines;
         (d)   Monuments and benchmarks;
         (e)   Location and size of alleys;
         (f)   Availability of adequate water, sanitary sewer and electric service to the subdivision, including required water flow for fire suppression;
         (g)   Water utility system and fire hydrant locations;
         (h)   Sanitary sewer utility system;
         (i)   Electrical distribution system and street lighting; and
         (j)   Utility easements.
      (2)   The City Planner:
         (a)   General plat format and content;
         (b)   Lot and block numbers;
         (c)   Street layout;
         (d)   Street names;
         (e)   Lot dimensions and building lines; and
         (f)   Subdivision name.
      (3)   Police Department:
         (a)   Traffic safety devices;
         (b)   Street names and design; and
         (c)   Public access.
      (4)   Fire Department/EMS:
         (a)   Water utilities system and fire hydrant locations;
         (b)   Street names; and
         (c)   Fire protection access.
   (E)   The City Planner shall forward the preliminary plat and accompanying data to the Commission with staff recommendations as to any further modifications.
   (F)   The Commission shall:
      (1)   Approve or disapprove the preliminary plat and/or variances;
      (2)   Approve the preliminary plat and/or variances with modifications;
      (3)   Act on the plat within 30 days after it is filed with the City Planner, pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, § 212.009.
   (G)   Within ten days of the Commission's decision, the city shall issue to the applicant a certificate stating the date that the preliminary plat was approved, approved with modifications or denied, and state the reasons for denial, if applicable.
   (H)   If the Commission disapproves, or approves with modification, the preliminary plat and/or variances, the applicant may elect one of the following:
      (1)   In the case of disapproval, make any changes necessary to address the Commission's reason for denial, resubmit the plat to the City Planner, as appropriate, with revisions for review and reconsideration by the Commission in accordance with the same procedural requirements as for the original submission. If a revised preliminary plat is not resubmitted within 90 days of the Commission's denial, it shall be considered withdrawn.
      (2)   In the case of approval with modification, make the changes requested by the Commission and provide the City Planner with two revised copies of the preliminary plat. If the revised copies are not resubmitted within 90 days of the Commission's approval, the preliminary plat shall be considered withdrawn.
      (3)   In either case of disapproval or approval with modification, not change or resubmit the plat, and appeal as provided in this chapter.
   (I)   After approval of the preliminary plat and/or variances by the Commission, and submittal of revised copies, if applicable, the applicant may proceed with the final plat and engineering plans.
   (J)   Approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for no more than 12 months before the final plat and engineering plans are submitted for approval. If no circumstances have occurred which would affect the preliminary plat during that period, the Commission may consider, upon written request by the applicant, extending the approval for a maximum of two additional six-month time periods. At the end of this extension period, the approval is automatically revoked. The city reserves the right to review the condition of the project area to make a determination whether or not each six-month extension is justified or if modification should be made thereto. A preliminary plat that has expired can be reactivated only by resubmittal in accordance with all normal procedures for the original submission.
(Ord. 08-358, passed 11-18-2008)