(A)   Application information. An application for a preliminary plat shall include the following information and documents:
      (1)   Location/vicinity map with north arrow;
      (2)   Title block located in lower right corner including subdivision name, acreage, complete legal description including survey name and abstract number, city, county and preparation date;
      (3)   Legend, if abbreviations or symbols are used;
      (4)   Name, address and phone number of owner, developer, applicant and surveyor;
      (5)   North arrow;
      (6)   Graphic and written scale (minimum one inch equals 100 feet);
      (7)   Surveyed property boundaries with bearings and distances;
      (8)   Legal metes and bounds description with calls matching boundary bearings and distances;
      (9)   Lot dimensions including bearing and distances;
      (10)   Provide lot and block numbers for every lot (numbers only);
      (11)   List the total number of buildable lots;
      (12)   Front building setback lines along roadways (provide typical detail of setbacks, including corner lots);
      (13)   Provide existing zoning;
      (14)   Location of significant natural features, including floodplains, water courses and wooded areas;
      (15)   Location of significant human-made features, including railroads, buildings, utilities or physical features;
      (16)   For residential subdivisions, a minimum of two points of public access to existing public streets;
      (17)   Areas to be dedicated or reserved for right-of-way including dimensions, area and providing bearings and distances of centerline;
      (18)   Provide recording information for any existing easements (water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, electric, telephone, gas, cable television, fire lanes and the like) and rights-of-way. Provide all bearing and distance information on proposed easements including easements filed by separate instrument;
      (19)   Location of existing and proposed FEMA 100-year floodplain limits with elevations;
      (20)   Existing and proposed topography at five-foot contour intervals including drainage channels and creeks;
      (21)   Identify all boundary survey monumentation on the plat. The proposed tract to the parent tract monumentation with bearings and distances;
      (22)   Boundary lines and acreage of the land to be dedicated to the city for public parkland;
      (23)   Boundary lines and acreage of land proposed for private park including note indicating ownership and maintenance responsibility;
      (24)   Land use, zoning, subdivision name, owner name and address, and recording information for all adjacent properties;
      (25)   For residential subdivisions, a one foot non-access easement where the rear, front or side of the property abuts a major or minor arterial;
      (26)   Location of city limits boundary and/or county boundary if they traverse the subdivision, form part of the boundary of the subdivision or are contiguous to the boundary;
      (27)   For preliminary plats exempt from requirements for Subdivision Master Plan, designation of each phase of development and the proposed order of development;
      (28)   Provide the location of proposed water, wastewater and storm drainage facilities to serve the development including sizes;
      (29)   Show proposed street names;
      (30)   Any additional information as requested to clarify the proposed development;
      (31)   Provide the following notes:
         (a)   The thoroughfare alignments shown on this document are for illustration purposes and do not set the alignment. Alignment is determined at time of final plat;
         (b)   Notice: selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of city ordinances and state law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and permits;
         (c)   According to flood insurance rate map, panel _______, dated _______________, a 100-year floodplain (does or does not) exists on this site;
         (d)   If floodplain exists on the property, provide a note stating that the finished floor elevation (FFE) of any structures shall be two feet above the 100-year flood elevation;
         (e)   All private open space, common areas, greenbelts, drainage easement and the like are the responsibility of the developer or its successors and/or assigns;
         (f)   Bluebonnet electric utility note (where applicable);
         (g)   Any applicable notes required by TxDOT;
         (h)   State any and all waivers requested for the plat; and
         (i)   State any and all approved or requested waivers.
      (32)   Provide the following acknowledgments and certificates:
         (a)   Owner's acknowledgment.
State of Texas
County of _____________
I (we) the undersigned, owner(s) of the land shown on this plat, and designated herein as the_____________________ subdivision to the City of ____________, Texas and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate for the use of the public forever all streets, alleys, parks, water courses, drains, easements and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed.
State of Texas
County of ______________
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared __________________, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for purposes and considerations therein stated.
Given under my hand and seal of office this ________ day of ______________ 20___.
(seal)   _____________
Notary Public,
________ County, Texas
         (b)   Certification by City Engineer.
I, the undersigned, City Engineer of the City of Martindale, Texas hereby certify that this subdivision plat conforms to all requirements of the subdivision regulations of the City as to which this approval is required.
_____________   (seal)
City Engineer
         (c)   Approval of City Planning and Zoning Commission.
This plat of the _______________________ subdivision has been submitted to and considered by the City Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Martindale, Texas and is hereby approved by the Commission.
Dated this _______day of ____________, 20____
By:   Chairman   _______________________
Secretary   _______________________
         (d)   Certificate of Platting Surveyor.
State of Texas
County of ______________
I, the undersigned, a registered professional land surveyor in the State of Texas, hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made under my supervision on the ground.
(Surveyor's Seal)   ___________________
Registered Professional Land Surveyor
         (e)   Certificate of Platting Engineer.
State of Texas
County of ____________
I, the undersigned, a registered professional engineer in the State of Texas, hereby certify that proper engineering consideration has been given to this plat.
(Engineer's Seal)   ____________________
Registered Professional Engineer
         (f)   Utility provider certification.
This proposed subdivision plat has been reviewed and approved by the City of Martindale for wastewater treatment capacity. All fees due for impact to the system at time of connection will be calculated at submittal of building permit application at the then current fee schedule.
Agent for City of Martindale
This subdivision plat of the _______________ subdivision has been submitted to and approved by Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative for any required easements.
Agent for Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative
   (B)   Criteria for approval. The Planning and Zoning Commission in considering final action on a preliminary plat, should consider the following criteria:
      (1)   The plat is consistent with all zoning requirements for the property or any approved development agreement;
      (2)   The plat conforms to the general layout of the Subdivision Master Plan (if applicable) and is consistent with the phasing plan approved therein;
      (3)   The proposed provision and configuration of roads, water, wastewater, drainage and park facilities conform to the master facilities plans for the facilities, including without limitation the water facilities, wastewater facilities, transportation, drainage and other master facilities plans; and
      (4)   The proposed provision and configuration of roads, water, wastewater, drainage and park facilities, and easements and rights-of-way are adequate to serve the subdivision.
   (C)   Expiration and extension.
      (1)   The approval of a preliminary plat shall remain in effect for a period of two years from the date the application was approved or conditionally approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, during which period the applicant shall submit and receive approval for a final plat for any portion of the land subject to the preliminary plat. If a final plat has not been approved within the two-year period, the preliminary plat approval, unless extended, shall expire and the plat shall be null and void.
      (2)   At the request of the property owner or his or her representative, the expiration date for approval of a preliminary plat may be extended by the Planning and Zoning Commission for a period not to exceed six months. A preliminary plat is not subject to reinstatement following expiration.
(Ord. 08-358, passed 11-18-2008)