Subsec. 156.J.002.8 Continuances and Withdrawals.
   (A)   Generally. Consideration of applications may be continued, or applications withdrawn as provided in this subsection.
   (B)   Applications subject to continuance and withdrawal provisions. Table 156.J.002.12-2, Review Steps, denotes the development review applications that are eligible for continuances and withdrawals.
   (C)   Continuances.
      (1)   Request or motion to continue. Consideration of an application may be continued upon motion of the City Council, Plan and Zoning Commission, or Board of Adjustment or upon request of the applicant before a decision is made on the application.
      (2)   Period of continuation. Should any item before the City Council, Plan and Zoning Commission, or Board of Adjustment be tabled in anticipation of information or events to occur prior to rendering a decision, such tabling shall be for not longer than the second meeting following the meeting at which the time was tabled.