Subsec. 156.J.002.1 Pre-Application Conference.
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of a pre-application conference is to familiarize the applicant with the submittal requirements and review procedures, including all applicable standards and any known constraints, hazards, or special conditions associated with the subject property.
   (B)   Applications requiring a pre-application conference. Table 156.J.002.12-2, Review Steps, denotes the development review applications that require a pre-application conference.
   (C)   Scheduling. The conference shall be scheduled at least 15 days before an application is due.
   (D)   Sketch plan. The applicant may submit a sketch plan as a basis for discussion prior to or at the pre-application conference. The sketch plan shall be of sufficient detail to accurately convey the concept, character, location, parcel size, and the size and scale of the proposed development. The applicant may submit additional materials at his or her discretion.
   (E)   Requested submittals. At or following the pre-application conference, the Zoning Administrator may request that the applicant provide additional materials at the time of application submittal as may be necessary to permit the informed exercise of judgment under the decision criteria for the application.
   (F)   Disclaimer. Outcomes of the pre-application conference shall not imply, in whole or in part, any final decision on the application.
   (G)   Continuing review process. After the pre-application conference has occurred, applications that require such conference may subsequently undergo the processes established in Subsec. 156.J.002.3, Application Completeness.