   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this article is to ensure that:
      (1)   Provision of parking. Adequate, attractive, and safe off-street parking is provided by this Zoning Ordinance.
      (2)   Residential protection. Sufficient parking is provided in nonresidential areas that are near residential neighborhoods, so that the character and quality of life in the residential neighborhoods are protected from overflow parking;
      (3)   Provision of loading spaces. Adequate loading areas are provided that do not interfere with the function of other vehicular use areas;
      (4)   Provision of access. Access to sites are managed to maintain the desired function and safety of the adjacent street(s); and
      (5)   Lighting. Vehicular use areas and sites are designed and lighted to promote public safety without creating undue light pollution and off-site glare.
   (B)   Applicability.
      (1)   Development activities. The standards of this article apply to the following development activities:
         (a)   New residential, nonresidential, or mixed-use development or change in use from residential to nonresidential or mixed-use;
         (b)   Increase in apartment units, manufactured home pads, gross floor area, or impervious surface by 20% or more, cumulatively over a five-year period; or
         (c)   Change in use requiring additional parking, loading, or stacking spaces (also known as vehicle use areas).
      (2)   Exemptions.
         (a)   Changes in the use(s) of existing buildings that result in fewer required parking, loading, or stacking spaces shall not be required to provide additional parking spaces.
         (b)   A permitted use may be converted to another permitted use without full compliance with the required number of parking, loading, or stacking spaces if the Zoning Administrator determines:
            1.   No additional parking, loading, or stacking spaces could be provided without removing or partially removing a structure; and
            2.   The amount of parking, loading, or stacking spaces available is at least 80% of the parking, loading, or stacking required for the new use.
      (3)   Change of use (maximum parking). Uses with off-street parking in excess of the maximum allowed for a nonresidential use resulting from a change of use in an existing building are not required to remove the excess parking spaces.
   (C)   Timing of compliance. A Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until all site improvements required in this article are constructed in conformance with the approved permit or plan required in § 156.J.002, Common Review Provisions.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)
   (A)   Generally. Off-street loading, stacking, and access shall be provided, located, and designed in accordance with the standards of this article.
   (B)   Lighting and noise. The following standards shall apply to all vehicle use areas:
      (1)   Lighting shall comply with Article H, Outdoor Lighting.
      (2)   An area used for primary circulation, frequent idling of vehicle engines, or loading activity shall be designed and located to minimize the effects of noise, pollution, and vehicle lights on an adjoining property.
   (C)   Associated building, use, or structure. Vehicle use areas (VUA) shall be maintained as long as the associated building, use, or structure is in use or operation. No person shall utilize such building, use, or structure without providing the VUAs required in this article. It shall be unlawful to discontinue, reduce, or remove the required VUAs apart from the discontinuance, removal, or reduction of the building, use, or structure that requires the VUA.
   (D)   Maneuvering space.
      (1)   Prohibited. No VUA shall be designed or built to require a vehicle to maneuver into a public right-of-way or overhang or encroach an adjacent property under separate ownership in order to park, load, unload, or stack, except:
         (a)   In the case of single-family and duplex dwellings where backing onto the public right-of-way is permitted; or
         (b)   Where a cross-access easement is in place.
      (2)   Barrier. In order to prevent overhang or encroachment described in division (D)(1), Prohibited, above, a VUA shall include a permanent curb, wall or other physical barrier. Such a physical barrier shall be located a minimum of two feet from the right-of-way or property line.
   (E)   Location. Except as permitted in § 156.E.006, Parking Credits and Reductions, a VUA required by this article shall be located on the same property as the building, use, or structure it serves and it shall be located behind any required bufferyard as set out in Article F, Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening.
   (F)   Calculations.
      (1)   Fractions. If the final calculated number of required parking, loading, or stacking spaces includes a fractional space, the number of required spaces shall be increased to the next whole number if the fraction is five-tenths or more, and when the fraction is less than five-tenths, the next lower whole number shall apply.
      (2)   Variables for calculating required spaces. The variables used for calculating spaces are measured as shown in Table 156.E.002, Parking, Loading, and Stacking Variable Meanings.
Table 156.E.002
Parking, Loading, and Stacking Variable Meanings
The number of required spaces is calculated based on the number of:
Table 156.E.002
Parking, Loading, and Stacking Variable Meanings
The number of required spaces is calculated based on the number of:
Per Dwelling Unit
Dwelling units on the subject property.
Per Campsite
Spaces available for a recreational vehicle to connect to utilities provided at the recreational vehicle park.
Per Bedroom
Bedrooms in the facility instead of the number of bed or some other measure.
Per Gross Floor Area
Gross floor area of the establishment, which measurement is described in Subsection 156.B.008.a, Measurements.
Per Employee
Employees during the shift in which the maximum number of employees is present.
Per Seat
Seats affixed to the floor that are provided to guests (patrons, members, etc.), with benches or pews measured as one seat per two feet of width. Space requirements for uses with unaffixed seats shall be based on the seating capacity permitted by the Fire Code and approved by the Fire Marshal’s office.
Per Student
Students or enrollees that the facility is permitted to have according to the appropriate licensing agency, if applicable.
      (3)   Multiple nonresidential uses. If several nonresidential uses occupy a single parcel or building, the parking requirements shall be calculated separately for each use within the development, or as set out in § 156.E.006, Parking Credits and Reductions, whichever results in a lesser number of required spaces.
   (G)   Surfacing and drainage. All vehicle use areas shall be graded, surfaced, and maintained so that water does not accumulate, flow, or drain onto abutting public or private property. The surfacing of VUAs shall consist of asphalt, concrete, or other all-weather surface approved by the City Engineer.
   (H)   Dedication of spaces. Off-street parking, loading, and stacking spaces shall not be used interchangeably to meet one another's requirements nor shall their placement interfere with one another's use.
   (I)   Insufficient vehicle use area. The Zoning Administrator may require a landowner to provide additional VUA even if the number of spaces provided meets the minimum requirement for the established use, if vehicles are consistently required to park or unload on the street (where on-street parking is prohibited) or on other properties due to a lack of usable VUA.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)
   (A)   Design and construction requirements.
      (1)   Tandem parking. Each parking space shall be accessible from a street or alley through aisles and/or driveways, except that tandem parking arrangements are permitted for single-family, two-family, and manufactured home uses or as allowed based on an approved parking study as described in § 156.E.006, Parking Credits and Reductions.
      (2)   Dead-end aisles. Dead-end aisles are not permitted unless adequate turnarounds usable by a two-axle vehicle are provided.
      (3)   Marking. All parking spaces for nonresidential and mixed-uses shall be clearly marked on the pavement with yellow or white traffic paint or raised pavement markers approved by the City Engineer.
      (4)   Parking space orientation. Parking areas shall be designed to minimize headlights shining into residential properties.
      (5)   Parking module dimensions. Parking modules shall be dimensioned as shown in Table 156.E.003, Parking Module Dimensions. The dimensions that are set out in the table are illustrated in Figure 156.E.003, Illustrative Parking Module Configurations.
Table 156.E.003
Minimum Parking Module Dimensions
Angle of Parking (Degrees)
Width of Stall
Depth of Stall 90 Degrees to Aisle
Width of Aisle
Width of Stall Parallel to Aisle
Module Width
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
Table 156.E.003
Minimum Parking Module Dimensions
Angle of Parking (Degrees)
Width of Stall
Depth of Stall 90 Degrees to Aisle
Width of Aisle
Width of Stall Parallel to Aisle
Module Width
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
One Way
Two Way
212 (length)
212 (length)
1   End spaces must be 12 feet
2   End spaces may be 18 feet
Figure 156.E.003
Illustrative Parking Module Configurations
Illustrative dimensions for one stall row parking module
Illustrative dimensions for two stall row parking module
   (B)   Surfacing and drainage.
      (1)   Paving and grading. Except as set forth in division (D), Alternative Paving Materials, below, all off-street parking areas, driveways, and access drives must be paved with an all-weather surface and graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulations within the area.
      (2)   Equipment and service vehicles. Areas used to store equipment or service vehicles used in connection with the operation of a business located on the premises, may be surfaced with gravel or grass that is maintained to eliminate blowing dust and erosion.
   (C)   Setback. No part of any parking area shall be closer than five feet to any established street right-of-way, alley, or property line. Where a parking area of a non-residential use or district adjoins any residential use or district, it shall be screened in accordance with the standard of § 156.F.004, Buffering.
   (D)   Alternative paving materials. The City Engineer may approve alternative paving materials for parking areas not specified in § 156.E.002(B), Surfacing and Drainage, if the City Engineer determines that the alternative, compared to the permitted materials, is substantially equal to or better in quality and durability.
   (E)   Snow storage. Parking lots and landscaping and buffering required by Article F, Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening, shall be designed so that snow can be efficiently plowed into on-site storage areas. Snow storage areas shall be located and designed so that:
      (1)   Reduction of spaces. The amount of parking on the site is not reduced below 80% of the number of spaces required by Table 156.E.004-1, Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking, when snow is stored on-site;
      (2)   Circulation and visibility. Storage of snow does not interfere with circulation on the site or with visibility at points of ingress or egress or at street intersections;
      (3)   Landscape islands. Landscape islands shall not be used for snow storage unless specifically identified on the site development plan. All light poles, landscaping, or internal pedestrian pathways shall be protected from vehicle encroachment with concrete curbing or similar permanent and elevated landscaping elements approved by the Zoning Administrator;
      (4)   Risk mitigation. The location of the snow storage area does not create an unreasonable risk of snow being pushed into street rights-of-way;
      (5)   Heavy snow events. The snow storage area is located and configured so that snow can be removed from the site during periods of heavy snowfall that are combined with sub-freezing temperatures; and
      (6)   Pervious storage area. The area under the stored snow is pervious landscape area, and runoff from snowmelt is directed through stormwater best management practices (BMPs) to slow water and improve its quality.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)
   (A)   Applicability.
      (1)   This section applies to all uses and structures in all zoning districts, except as provided below.
      (2)   The minimum requirements of this section do not apply to the Urban Core (UC) district. However, the maximum requirements of this section do apply.
   (B)   Residential parking. Parking spaces for household living use types or specified building types that are located in private garages, carports, or individual driveways do not have to be marked. An area on a private residential lot is considered a parking space if:
      (1)   Dimensions. The area is at least 9.5 feet wide and 20 feet deep in dimension and is not part of an access drive to a private garage or carport;
      (2)   Encroachment. The area does not encroach upon a public sidewalk;
      (3)   Surface. The area has an improved hard surface as required in § 156.E.003(B), Surfacing and Drainage; and
      (4)   Access. The area is accessible from the street or alley.
   (C)   Minimum and maximum spaces. Off-street parking spaces must be provided for the uses listed in Table 156.E.004, Minimum and Maximum Parking, below. The uses must provide the minimum number of off-street parking spaces, and parking spaces may not exceed the maximum number of spaces.
   (D)   Multiple activities. Except as otherwise provided, where multiple activities associated with a single-use take place on-site, the required parking shall include a combination of the site's activities. For example, a truck stop is required to provide parking based on applicable retail sales area, car wash, overnight accommodations, and any other applicable activities.
Table 156.E.004
Minimum and Maximum Parking
   SF = square feet GFA = Gross Floor Area -- = No minimum or no maximum, as applicable
Use Category
Minimum Spaces
Maximum Spaces
Table 156.E.004
Minimum and Maximum Parking
   SF = square feet GFA = Gross Floor Area -- = No minimum or no maximum, as applicable
Use Category
Minimum Spaces
Maximum Spaces
Residential and Agricultural
Household Living
Dwelling, Apartment
1 per dwelling unit
1 per bedroom
Dwelling, Single-Family Attached
2 per dwelling unit
4 per dwelling unit
Dwelling, Single-Family Detached
2 per dwelling unit
4 per dwelling unit
Dwelling, Duplex
2 per dwelling unit
4 per dwelling unit
Dwelling, Townhouse
2 per dwelling unit
4 per dwelling unit
Dwelling, Multiplex
1 per dwelling unit
1 per bedroom
Manufactured Home Park
2 per dwelling unit
Group Living
Assisted Living Facility
0.3 per unit + 0.75 per employee
1 per unit + 1 per employee
Boarding or Rooming House
1 per bedroom
1 per bedroom
Group Home
2 per dwelling unit
2 per dwelling unit
Nursing Home
1 per 2 beds
1 per 2 beds
Group Living (Other than Listed)
2 per dwelling unit
2 per dwelling unit
Residential Accessory Uses1
Accessory Dwelling Unit
1 per dwelling unit
1 per dwelling unit
Bed and Breakfast Home
1 per bedroom
1 per bedroom
Farm Stand
1 per stand
3 per stand
Group Day Care (6 to 12 children)
1 per dwelling unit
Residential Accessory Use (Other than Listed)
Upper-Story Residential
1 per dwelling unit
1.5 per dwelling unit
Agricultural and Animal Services
Community Garden
1 per 500 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
1 per 1,000 SF GFA
1 per 250 SF GFA
Plant Nursery, Greenhouse, and Landscaping Business
Veterinary Clinic
1 per 500 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Veterinary Hospital
1 per 500 SF retail area
1 per 300 SF retail area
Crop Production
Nursery (Retail)
1 per 500 SF retail area
1 per 200 SF retail area
Stable (Public or Commercial)
1 per horse boarded
2 per horse boarded
Public and Institutional
Day Care
Adult Day Care
1 per employee
1.75 per employee
Pre-School or Child Day Care Center
1 per employee
1.75 per employee
Group Day Care Center
1 per employee
1.75 per employee
Botanical Garden, Nature Preserve or Trail
Bus or Train Passenger Terminal
Educational Facilities
College or University
1 per 400 SF office, research, and library area; plus 1 space per 300 sq ft assembly areas and classrooms
1 per 300 SF office, research, and library area; plus 1 space per 250 sq ft assembly areas and classrooms
Training Facility or Vocational School
1 per 300 SF GFA
1 per 250 SF GFA
School, Primary or Secondary (Public or Private)
2 per classroom (Primary); 1 per employee + 1 per 5 students (Secondary)
Educational Facilities
All Other Educational Facilities
1 per 400 SF GFA
1 per 350 SF GFA
Government Facilities
Government/Non-Profit Office
1 per 400 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Government Services (Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services)
Medical Facilities
1 per 3 patient beds
1 per 2 patient beds
Funeral Home or Mortuary
1 per 6 seats
1 per 1.5 seats
Clinic, Medical Lab, or Urgent Care
1 per 300 SF GFA
1 per 150 SF GFA
Parks and Open Areas
Botanical Garden, Nature Preserve or Trail
Cemetery, Columbarium, Mausoleum, or Memorial Park
Park, Playground, and Common Open Space
Passenger Terminal
Airport or Heliport
-Special Study, refer to § 156.E.004(F)
All other Passenger Terminal Uses
Public Assembly
Club or Lodge
1 per 300 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Place of Public Assembly
1 per 6 seats
1 per 1.5 seats
Library, Aquarium, Museum, or Gallery
1 per 1,000 SF GFA
1 per 500 SF GFA
Senior, Youth, or Community Center
1 per 300 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Social Service
All Social Services
Special Study, refer to § 156.E.004(F)
Major Utility
1 per employee
Minor Utility
Commercial and Office
Adult Business
Adult Entertainment Business
1 per 400 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Entertainment (Indoor)
Archery/Firearms Range
1 per 3 bays or 1 per 300 SF firing area if no bays
1 per bay or 1 per 100 SF firing area if no bays
Bar or Tavern
1 per 200 SF GFA
1 per 100 SF GFA
Bowling Alley
1 per lane
4 per lane
Dance Club or Dance Hall
1 per 200 SF GFA
1 per 100 SF GFA
Fitness Gym
1 per 600 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Entertainment (Indoor) (Other than Listed)
1 per 450 SF GFA
1 per 100 SF GFA
Movie or Other Theater
1 per 4 seats
1 per 3 seats
Tattoo or Piercing Business
1 per chair plus 1 per employee
1.5 per chair plus 1 per employee
Entertainment (Outdoor)
1 per 6 seats or 1 per 30 SF if no permanent seats
1 per 4 seats or 1 per 50 SF if no permanent seats
Campground without Overnight Accommodations
1 per campsite
Golf Course
5 per hole
Golf Driving Range
1 per tee area
3 per tee area
Mini-Golf Course
1 per 300 SF outdoor entertainment area plus 1 per 200 SF GFA
1 per 250 SF outdoor entertainment area plus 1 per 150 SF GFA
Entertainment (Outdoor) (Other than Listed)
1 per 1,000 SF outdoor entertainment area
1 per 300 SF outdoor entertainment area
Stadium, Running Track, or Ball Field
1 per 6 seats or 1 per 50 SF if no permanent seats
1 per 4 seats or 1 per 30 SF if no permanent seats
Bank or Credit Union
1 per 350 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Offices (Other than Listed)
1 per 400 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Overnight Accommodations
Bed and Breakfast Inn
0.3 per guest room + 1 per 3 persons (based on maximum design occupancy) for accessory meeting space and catered functions
1 per guest room + 1 per 1 person (based on maximum design occupancy) for accessory meeting space and catered functions
Campground with Overnight Accommodations
1 per campsite
Overnight Accommodations (Other than Listed)
.8 per guest room + 1 per 800 SF public meeting area and restaurant space
1 per guest room + 1 per 400 SF public meeting area and restaurant space
Parking, Commercial
All Uses
Catering Establishment
1 per employee or 1 per 1,500 SF GFA, whichever is less
Food Delivery
1 per employee
2 per employee
1 per 200 SF dining or tasting area
1 per 100 SF dining or tasting area
Restaurant (Other than Listed)
1 per 200 SF GFA
1 per 100 SF GFA
Restaurant, Drive-In or Drive-Through
1 per 250 SF GFA
1 per 150 SF GFA
Retail Repair, Sales, and Service
All Uses
1 per 400 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Self-Service Storage
All Uses
1 per 20 storage stalls
1 per 10 storage stalls
Vehicle Sales and Service
Car Wash
1 per 3 employees
1 per employee
Heavy Vehicular Equipment Sales, Service, and Repair
1 per 1,000 SF sales and service building(s)
1 per 300 SF sales and service building(s)
Vehicle Fuel Station
1 per 400 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
Vehicle Repair, Major
1 per 250 SF GFA + 1 per employee
1 per 200 SF GFA + 1 per employee
Vehicle Service, Minor
1 per 400 SF GFA
1 per 200 SF GFA
All Other Vehicle Sales and Service
1 per 500 SF sales and service building(s)
Heavy Industrial
All Uses
1 per employee or 1 per 1,500 SF GFA, whichever is less
Light Industrial
Building or Development Contractor
1 per 1,500 SF storage area
1 per 300 SF storage area
Light Industrial (Other Than Listed)
1 per employee or 1 per 1,500 SF GFA, whichever is less
Warehousing and Freight Movement
All Uses
1 per 2,000 SF GFA
Waste-Related Service
All Uses
1 per employee + 1 per 15,000 SF of outdoor storage or salvage area
Wholesale Trade
All Uses
1 per 1,500 SF GFA
1 per 400 SF GFA
1   In addition to the required and maximum for the primary use.
   (F)   Special studies.
      (1)   Generally.
         (a)   Some of the uses listed in Table 156.E.004-1, Minimum and Maximum Parking, have widely varying parking demand characteristics. Accordingly, their parking requirements are listed as "Special Study." Required parking for these uses are established according to the standards of this section.
         (b)   Special studies may also be submitted to support a request to reduce the number of required parking spaces to less than that set out in Table 156.E.004-1, due to the nature of the operations and/or location of a proposed use. The special study must include and support all requested reductions in parking. Further parking credits and reductions that are otherwise available pursuant to § 156.E.006, Parking Credits and Reductions, may not be applied when parking reductions are granted pursuant to this section, unless the reductions are supported by the special study.
      (2)   Special study requirements.
         (a)   A special study must be conducted by a qualified transportation planner or traffic engineer at the applicant's expense.
         (b)   The special study must provide:
            1.   A peak parking analysis of at least five functionally comparable uses; and
            2.   Documentation regarding the comparability of the referenced uses, including: name, function, location, gross floor area, parking availability, access to transportation network (including vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit), use restrictions, and other factors that could affect the parking demand.
      (3)   Approval of special study.
         (a)   The Zoning Administrator may rely upon the special study or may request additional information or analysis, including, but not limited to: alternative or new data points, or consideration of additional or alternative factors related to comparability or peak demand, as supported by sound engineering principles.
         (b)   As a condition of approval of a special study, the Zoning Administrator may require that land be reserved as an undeveloped area for additional future parking if there is a demonstrably high probability the use could change, resulting in a higher demand for parking.
   (G)   Unlisted uses. Upon receiving a development application for a use not specifically addressed in this article, the Zoning Administrator shall apply the off-street parking standard specified for the use that the Zoning Administrator deems most similar to the proposed use according to § 156.C.010, New and Unlisted Uses, or require that the applicant provide a special study according to division (F), Special Studies, above.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)
   (A)   Number of required spaces. Parking for disabled persons shall be provided as set out in Table 156.E.005-1, Accessible Parking Requirements, or as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design and ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities published by the United States Access Board. If any of the standards within this section and the United States Access Board are in conflict then whichever requires more spaces shall be used. Required accessible parking spaces are included in the total number of required parking spaces per § 156.E.004, Required Off-Street Parking.
Table 156.E.006-1
Accessible Parking Requirements
Number of Required Parking Spaces
Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces
Minimum Number of Van-Accessible Parking Spaces
Table 156.E.006-1
Accessible Parking Requirements
Number of Required Parking Spaces
Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces
Minimum Number of Van-Accessible Parking Spaces
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of total parking provided in each lot or structure
1 out of 6 accessible spaces, rounded up
1,001 and over
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
1 out of 6 accessible spaces, rounded up
   (B)   Parking space size specifications. Figure 156.E.005-1, ADA Parking Space Dimensions, details the specific size requirements for both standard automobile and van accessible ADA accessible parking spaces.
Figure 156.E.005-1
ADA Parking Space Dimensions
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)