This section divides the city into the districts set forth in Table 156.B.002-1, Zoning Districts, below. In addition, the table shows the planned future land use category from the Marshalltown Comprehensive Plan 2030 that each zoning district implements, provides the available development types as further articulated in § 156.B.006, Development Types, and establishes purpose statements for each district and development type combination.
Table 156.B.002-1
Zoning Districts
Planned Future Land Use Category
Zoning District
Development Type1
Purpose: The purpose of this zoning district is to provide for:
Former Zoning District2
Table 156.B.002-1
Zoning Districts
Planned Future Land Use Category
Zoning District
Development Type1
Purpose: The purpose of this zoning district is to provide for:
Former Zoning District2
Residential Districts
AG, Agricultural
Preservation of land suitable for eventual development until such time as the necessary facilities and services are provided to such areas.
Rural Residential
RR, Rural Residential
Existing residential or future residential areas in areas of difficult topography that will develop at a density of 2-3 units per acre.
Low-Density Residential
RL, Low-Density Residential
Single-family and duplex homes at a density of 4-8 units per acre. A conventional development is characterized by private open space on each lot while a cluster development has smaller lots with a required percentage of common open space. Common open space may be used for parks, trails, or natural areas, to preserve environmental resources, provide for recreational amenities, provide for use compatibility, or provide natural drainage features.
R-2, R-2A
Medium-Density Residential
RM, Medium Density Residential
Single-family and duplex homes, townhomes, or small multiple-family developments at a density of 6-18 units per acre. The infill option promotes efficient use of land, infrastructure, and other resources and allows for additional density and land uses compared to conventional.
R-3, R-4
Mixed-Use Districts
MU, Mixed-Use
Mixed office, retail, and residential uses in neighborhood centers or in close proximity to residential areas.
Downtown Mixed-Use
UC, Urban Core
Mixed office, retail, medical, institutional, and residential uses in the more intense setting of the urban core, including downtown.
CBD, OP (in Downtown areas)
Nonresidential Districts
GC, General Commercial
General commercial and businesses such as restaurants, retail, office, hotels, banks, and other mixture of uses in areas along major road corridors and further from residential areas.
GC, PC, CC, RC, OP (properties outside of Downtown )
Light Industrial
GI, General Industrial
Manufacturing, processing, storage, and distribution activities generally incompatible with residential, civic, and other public uses. Certain industrial uses that produce off-site noise, odor, dust and/or other visible and sensory impacts are permitted only after public hearings and review to assure protection of surrounding property, persons, and the general public interest.
M1, M2
Heavy Industrial
Special Purpose
PUD, Planned Unit Development
The unified and coordinated development of parcels or tracts of land. Certain freedom of choice as to intended land uses shall be permitted, provided that the essential site development regulations are complied with and that the intended uses are not in conflict with the general purpose and intent of either this Zoning Ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan.
PI, Public and Institutional
Primarily religious, medical governmental, institutional, or education facilities.
ED, OP (Medical properties outside of Downtown)
REC, Recreational
Areas of public or private ownership that will remain undeveloped as open space or
Parks/Open Space
REC, Recreational
developed as parks (including trails) or golf courses with varying facilities depending on the need and location.
Golf Course
Overlay Districts
Downtown Mixed-Use
UC-HD, Urban Core-Historic District
Protecting specific characteristics of the historic core of the downtown area while facilitating new construction designed to harmonize with the district's visual character.
Table Notes:
1.   Refer to § 156.B.006, Development Types, for more details.
2.   The former zoning districts are from the Marshalltown Zoning Ordinance of 2010 (Ord. 14871, adopted April 12, 2010) which is repealed on the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)