(A)   The following shall be exempt from the license requirement:
      (1)   Newspaper carriers;
      (2)   Youth fundraisers such as Scouts of America, community school districts;
      (3)   Farmer's Market vendors;
      (4)   Farmer and gardener stand selling agricultural products they have grown; and
      (5)   Persons operating during special community-wide events, at the discretion of the City Clerk.
   (B)   While exempted from the license fee requirement, authorized representatives of religious, non-profit, and charitable organizations, or sponsors of a charitable event, desiring to solicit money or to distribute pertinent literature, must first apply to the City Clerk for approval. Such application shall set forth the name of such organization or sponsor and charitable purpose for which such activity is sought, the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the organization, satisfactory verification of its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, specification of the dates and times during which such activities are to be conducted and of the amounts of any commissions, fees or wages which are to be charged in connection with the activity. Upon proper application by a bona fide charitable or religious organization, the City Clerk shall issue the applicable license containing the above information to the applicant free of charge, subject to the time limitations as set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 15041, passed 5-23-2022)