(A)   Section 101.1 Title is amended to read as follows:
      These regulations shall be known as the Fire Code of Marshalltown, hereinafter referred to as “this code”. Any reference to a Section number shall mean to this code unless stated otherwise.
   (B)   Section 105.1.1 Permits required is amended to read as follows:
      A property owner or owner’s authorized agent who intends to conduct an operation or business, or install or modify systems and equipment that are regulated by this code, or cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the fire code official and obtain the required permits. The minimum permit fee shall be established by Resolution of the City Council without amending this ordinance.
   (C)   Section 111.1 Board of Appeals established is amended to read as follows:
      The Fire Code Board of Appeals is hereby established within the City of Marshalltown for the purpose of hearing applications for modification of the requirements of the International Fire Code. The Board shall be authorized to hear evidence from appellants and the Fire Chief pertaining to the application and the intent of this code for the purpose of issuing orders pursuant to these provisions. The membership of the Board shall consist of five voting members having qualifications established by this section. Members shall be nominated by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the City Council. Members shall serve without renumeration or compensation, and shall be removed from office prior to the end of their appointed terms only for cause. The Fire Chief shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board. Membership of the Board shall consist of the following positions:
         (a)   One member shall be a practicing design professional registered in the practice of engineering or architecture in the state in which the board is established.
         (b)   One member shall be a qualified engineer, technologist, technician, or safety professional trained in fire protection engineering, fire science or technology. Qualified representatives in this category shall include fire protection contractors and certified technicians engaged in fire protection system design.
         (c)   One member shall include a registered industrial or chemical engineer, certified hygienist, certified safety professional, certified hazardous materials manager or comparably qualified specialist.
         (d)   One member shall be a contractor regularly engaged in the construction, alteration, maintenance, repair or remodeling of buildings or building services and systems regulated by the code.
         (e)   One member shall be a representative of business or industry not represented by a member from one of the other categories of board members described above.
      Members shall be appointed for terms of 4 years. Members shall not be reappointed to serve more than two consecutive full terms. Of the members first appointed, two shall serve a term of 1 year, two for a term of 2 years, one for a term of 3 years. Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term in the manner in which the original appointments are required to be made. Members appointed to fill a vacancy in an unexpired term shall be eligible for reappointment to two full terms.
      Three members of the board shall constitute a quorum. In varying the application of any provisions of this code or in modifying an order of the Fire Chief, affirmative votes of the majority present, but not less than three, shall be required.
      The Fire Chief shall act as secretary of the board and shall keep a detailed record of all proceedings, which shall set forth the reasons for its decisions, the vote of each member, the absence of a member and any failure of a member to vote.
      The board shall meet at regular intervals, to be determined by the Chairperson. In any event, the board shall meet within 10 days after notice of appeal has been received. The Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure for meeting and hearing operations.
      Every decision shall be promptly filed in writing in the office of the Fire Chief and shall be open to public inspection. A certified copy shall be sent by mail or otherwise to the appellant, and a copy shall be kept publicly posted in the office of the Fire Chief for 2 weeks after filing.
   (D)   Section 112.4 Violation penalty is amended to read as follows:
      Any person violating any provision of this code or failing to comply with any requirements hereof, or who shall erect, install, alter, repair, or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the fire code official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalty as provided in § 91.999 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Marshalltown.
   (E)   Section 307.1 Open burning - General is amended to read as follows:
      A person shall not kindle or maintain or authorize to be kindled or maintained any open burning unless conducted and approved in accordance with Sections 307.1.1 through 307.5 and Section 91.020 of the Marshalltown Code of Ordinances.
   (F)   Section 315.3.3 Equipment room is amended as follows:
      Combustible material shall hot be stored in boiler rooms, mechanical rooms, and electrical rooms or in fire command centers as specified in Section 508.1.5.
            (1)   In sprinklered equipment rooms that have sufficient space to allow a minimum of 10 feet between all combustible storage and the heating, mechanical, or electrical equipment in the room.
   (G)   Table 405.2 Fire and Evacuation Drill Frequency and Participation is amended as follows:
Group A
Group B (c)
Group E
See (a) below
All occupants
Group I-1 (d)
Semi-annually each shift
All occupants
Group I-2
Quarterly each shift
Group I-3
Quarterly each shift
Group I-4
Monthly each shift
All occupants
Group R-1
Quarterly each shift
Group R-2 (c)
Four annually
All occupants
Group R-4 (d)
Semi-annually each shift
All occupants
            (a)   Quarterly (four fire and four tornado) in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 100. In severe climates, the fire code official shall have the authority to modify the emergency evacuation drill frequency.
            (b)   Group B buildings that have an occupant load of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of discharge.
            (c)   Emergency evacuation drills in Group R-2 college and university buildings shall be in accordance with Section 403.9.2.1. Other Group R-2 occupancies shall be in accordance with Section 403.9.2.2.
            (d)   In Groups I-1 and R-4, see Sections 403.7.1.4 and 403.9.3.4 for additional drills for staff.
   (H)   Section 903.2.8.5 Residential Sprinkler is added as follows:
      An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one and two-family dwellings.
         (1)   An automatic fire sprinkler system shall not be required where additions or alterations are made to existing buildings that are not already provided with an automatic residential fire sprinkler system.
         (2)   One and two-family dwellings containing less than eight thousand (8,000) square feet of floor space, excluding attached garages and other unenclosed areas.
   (I)   Section 903.1.2 NFPA 13R sprinkler systems is amended as follows:
      Automatic sprinkler systems in Group R occupancies shall be permitted to be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13R where the Group R occupancy meets all of the following conditions:
         (1)   Four stories or fewer above grade plane.
         (2)   The floor level of the highest story is 35 feet (10663 mm) or less above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
         (3)   The floor level of the lowest story is 35 feet (10663 mm) or less below the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
      The number of stories of Group R occupancies constructed in accordance with Sections 510.2 and 510.4 shall be measured from grade plane.
   (J)   Section 907.2.2 Group B is amended as follows:
      A manual fire alarm system shall be installed in Group B occupancies where one of the following conditions exists:
         (1)   The combined Group B occupant load of all floors is 500 or more.
         (2)   The Group B occupant load is more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge.
         (3)   The Group B fire area contains an educational occupancy for students above the twelfth (12th) grade with an occupant load greater than 50 persons.
         (4)   The fire area contains an ambulatory care facility.
   (K)   Section 915.1 Carbon monoxide general is amended as follows:
      Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in new buildings in accordance with Sections 915.1.1 through 915.6. Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in existing buildings in accordance with Section 1103.9, and Iowa Administrative Code 661-211.
   (L)   Section 1010.1.6.1 Frost protection at exterior landings is added as follows:
      Exterior landings at doors shall be provided with frost protection.
   (M)   Section 1028.6 Exit discharge pathway is added as follows:
      Components of exterior walking surfaces shall be concrete, asphalt, or other approved hard surface.
   (N)   Section 1103.9 Carbon monoxide alarms is amended is follows:
      Existing I-1, I-2, I-4, and R occupancies and in classrooms in Group E occupancies shall be equipped with carbon monoxide alarms in accordance with Section 915 and Iowa Administrative Code 661-211.
   (O)   Chapter 41 Special Events is added.
   (P)   Section 4101 General is added.
   (Q)   Section 4101.1 Scope is added as follows:
      Special events including trade shows and exhibitions, outdoor assembly events, and special amusement buildings shall comply with this chapter and Section 1028. Temporary indoor vehicle displays and vehicle competition or demonstrations shall comply with this chapter and Section 314.
   (R)   Section 4101.2 Site plan as follows:
      A detailed site plan shall be submitted to the fire code official with each permit application for approval. Permit application and site plan shall be submitted a minimum of 30 business days prior to the event. Site plans shall include, but not be limited to:
         (1)   Location of fencing or means to confine attendees.
         (2)   The means of egress.
         (3)   Location and width of exits and aisles.
         (4)   Location of exit signs.
         (5)   Total square footage of the enclosed space.
         (6)   Location and arrangement of all tents, booths, and cooking equipment.
         (7)   Location of all fire protection equipment.
         (8)   Type and location of heating and electrical equipment where applicable.
         (9)   Location of fire and emergency service access roads where applicable.
   (S)   Section 4102 General Requirements is added.
   (T)   Section 4102.1 Access for firefighting and medical services is added as follows:
      Approved vehicle access for firefighting and medical services shall be provided in accordance with Section 503.
   (U)   Section 4102.2 Combustible storage is added as follows:
      Combustible materials stored at special events shall be stored in approved locations and containers.
   (V)   Section 4102.3 Fire protection equipment clearance is added as follows:
      Clearance around all fire protection equipment shall be in accordance with Section 507.5.4 and 507.5.5.
   (W)   Section 4102.4 Fire extinguishers is added as follows:
      Fire extinguishers shall be in accordance with Section 906 and NFPA 10.
   (X)   Section 4102.6 Housekeeping is added as follows:
      The special event area and related areas shall be kept free from combustible debris.
   (Y)   Section 4102.7 Portable Outdoor LP-gas heater is added as follows:
      Portable outdoor gas-fired heating appliances located outdoors shall be in accordance with Sections 605.5.2.1 through 605.
   (Z)   Section 4102.8 Open flame device is added as follows:
      Open flame devices shall comply with Section 308.
   (AA)   Section 4102.8 Waste disposal is added as follows:
      Combustible debris shall not be allowed to accumulate at special events. Combustible debris, rubbish, and waste material shall be removed from special events at the end of each shift worked. Combustible debris, rubbish, and waste material shall not be disposed of by burning on the site.
   (BB)   Section 4103 Trade shows and exhibitions is added.
   (CC)   Section 4103.1 General is added as follows:
      Trade shows and exhibitions conducted within any occupancy shall comply with the fire code.
   (DD)   Section 4103.2 Vehicles is added as follows:
      Liquid and gas fueled and electric vehicles, boats, or other motor-craft and equipment used for display or demonstration within a building shall be in accordance with Section 314.4.
   (EE)   Section 4103.3 Means of egress is added as follows:
      Means of egress from an indoor trade show or exhibition area shall comply with Chapter 10 and Sections N108.2 and N108.3.
   (FF)   Section 4103.4 Travel distance is added as follows:
      The maximum travel distance from any point in an exhibit to an exit access aisle shall not exceed 50 feet.
   (GG)   Section 4103.5 Aisle width is added as follows:
      Minimum aisle width inside a trade show or exhibition shall comply with the following:
Square Footage of Exhibition
Minimum Aisle Width
Less than 5,000 square feet
6 feet
5,000 to 15,000 square feet
8 feet
Greater than 15,000 square feet
10 feet
   (HH)   Section 4103.5.1 Obstructions is added as follows:
      Aisles shall be kept clear of all obstructions, including but not limited to, fixtures and displays of goods for sale, chairs, tables, products, and displays.
   (II)   Section 4103.5.2 Exit signs is added as follows:
      Exit signs shall be visible from all locations in the occupancy.
   (JJ)   Section 4103.6 Demonstration cooking and warming equipment or devices is added as follows:
      Equipment and devices shall be isolated from the public by not less than 4 feet or by a non-combustible 3-sided barrier between the equipment and the public.
   (KK)   Section 4103.6.1 Protection is added as follows:
      Single-well cooking equipment using combustible oils shall meet the following:
         (1)   A noncombustible lid of sufficient size to cover the cooking well completely shall be immediately available.
         (2)   The cooking surface shall not exceed 288 square inches.
         (3)   The equipment shall be placed on a noncombustible surface.
         (4)   Cooking equipment shall be separated from combustible materials by a horizontal distance of at least 2 feet.
   (LL)   Section 4103.6.2 Butane is added as follows:
      Butane for cooking equipment shall be limited to one 10-ounce cylinder and one spare of the same size in storage, per appliance.
   (MM)   Section 4104 Outdoor assembly events is added.
   (NN)   Section 4104.1 General is added as follows:
      Outdoor assembly events shall be in accordance with Chapter 31. An operational permit is required to conduct an outdoor event where the planned attendance exceeds 1,000 persons.
   (OO)   Section 4105 Mobile food vehicles is added.
   (PP)   Section 4105.1 General is added as follows:
      Mobile food preparation vehicles that are equipped with appliances that produce smoke or grease laden vapors shall comply with Section 319.
   (QQ)   Section 4106 Special amusement buildings is added.
   (RR)   Section 4106.1 General is added as follows:
      Special amusement buildings shall be in accordance with this section and Section 411 of the International Building Code.
            (1)   Amusement buildings or portions thereof, which are without walls or a roof and are constructed to prevent the accumulation of smoke.
   (SS)   Section 4106.2 Use of combustible decorative material is added as follows:
      Use of decorative combustible materials shall be in accordance with Chapter 8.
   (TT)   Section 4106.3 Assistance is added as follows:
      Adult monitors with flashlights shall be available to provide assistance in the event someone becomes disoriented or lost. One adult monitor shall be provided for every 60 persons.
   (UU)   Section 4106.4 Automatic sprinkler system is added as follows:
      Special amusement buildings shall be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Chapter 9.
   (VV)   Section 4106.5 Temporary special amusement building is added as follows:
      Where the special amusement building is temporary, the sprinkler water supply shall be of an approved temporary means. The sprinkler piping shall be connected to a temporary water supply having sufficient capacity (flow and pressure) to supply residential or standard quick spray response heads at a minimum design density of 0.15 gpm per square foot of protected floor space. The temporary water supply may be connected to a domestic water line, a fire line, or temporary on-site storage tank as long as the minimum design densities are met.
(Ord. 15061, passed 6-12-2023; Ord. 15083, passed 2-12-2024; Ord. 15084, passed 4-8-2024)