(A)   All officers on duty shall be armed with an approved and authorized weapon.
   (B)   An officer may carry a weapon on his person while off-duty, together with proper identification identifying the officer as a police officer so long as said weapon is concealed. No officer shall ever identify himself as a police officer, display a weapon or display his identification, except in the performance of official duties.
   (C)   Except for training, qualification, and target shooting purposes, officers will not discharge any department approved weapon, either on duty or off duty, except when provided by under the Illinois Compiled Statutes.
   (D)   In the event of the discharge of a Department-approved weapon, either the officer's or the Department's, the officer shall immediately contact the Chief of Police, or Sergeant in the Chief's absence, and immediately prepare a written report of the incident.
   (E)   No officer shall modify his service weapon or any weapon owned by the Department. If the officer feels that a modification of a weapon is necessary, he shall present the Chief with his hypothesis. The Chief will then decide whether or not his modification is warranted. If, indeed, it is, a licensed gunsmith will be contracted to perform the modification.
   (F)   All officers shall keep their service weapon in a clean and safe operating condition at all times.
(Ord. 652, passed 1-5-83; Am. Ord. 683, passed 2-20-85; Am. Ord. 717, passed 9-16-87)
Statutory reference:
   For provisions concerning peace officer's use of force in making arrest, see ILCS Ch. 720, Act 5, § 7-5