(A)   The Commissioner of the Department of Public Property shall have charge of and supervision over the Sewer and Water Departments, lighting, railroads, public buildings and grounds, and public parks, playgrounds and pleasure grounds belonging to the city and all plants, trees and shrubbery contained therein, and all offices and employees employed in or about the parks and pleasure grounds or kept or used in connection therewith.
   (B)   The Commissioner shall have charge of and supervision over the city hall and all other city property not otherwise assigned by law or ordinance. He shall have charge of and supervision over all boulevards and street parkings and parkways, the improvement, maintenance, lighting and care thereof, and all parks, pleasure grounds therein or thereon and of the enforcing of the law, this code and any ordinances of the city relating to the improvement and care of street parkings and the planting and trimming of trees therein.
   (C)   The Commissioner shall have charge of the purchase of tools, equipment and the supplies of the Department.
   (D)   The Commissioner shall have such assistance from the City Engineer as may be necessary in surveying and laying out improvements and otherwise improving the parks and parkways and pleasure grounds, and may, on application, receive assistance from other officers and departments of the city.
('72 Code, § 3.06)