(A)   Any police officer may request a code violation be referred to administrative adjudication by tendering a charging document to the Code Hearing Division. A person may also initiate an administrative hearing by making a report with a designated code enforcement officer of the Police Department signing a charging document if found sufficient by the code enforcement officer. Any refusal to initiate a person's charge by the code enforcement officer may be appealed to the Commission of Public Health and Safety.
   (B)   The charging document shall:
      (1)   Identify the respondent by name and identify the respondent's address or place for service;
      (2)   Identify the relevant code section or sections;
      (3)   Identify the date, time, and place of the alleged violation;
      (4)   Provide a description of the activity, conduct or condition alleged to constitute a code violation in sufficient detail so that a reasonable person can identify the nature of the alleged code violation;
      (5)   Be signed by the police officer or person making the complaint to the police officer. A police officer signing a charge shall constitute a certification of the correctness of the information in the complaint and shall establish a prima facie case. A person other than a police officer shall swear to the accuracy of the information in the complaint before a notary public and such shall also constitute a certification of the correctness of the information in the complaint and shall establish a prima facie case;
      (6)   If a person signing the complaint is not a police officer, the complaining person shall provide their contact information to allow the Code Hearing Division to provide effective notice of scheduled administrative hearing; and
      (7)   Upon receipt of a complaint, the Code Hearing Division shall register the complaint on a docket for an upcoming administrative hearing and initiate service of the complaint and notice of hearing on the respondent if not already provided the respondent by the initiating police officer.
(Ord. 1625, passed 1-18-17)