The rules of procedure for executive sessions shall be:
   (a)    An executive session may be convened on call of the Mayor, or by a vote of Council, but may be held only upon a majority affirmative vote of the members present of the governing body.
   (b)    An executive session may be called during any regular or special meeting of Council by a majority of the members present at such meeting.
   (c)    Attendance at the executive session shall be limited to the members of Council. However, Council may invite such persons as may be required for advice and information.
   (d)    No formal vote shall be taken on any matter under discussion, nor shall any Council member enter into a commitment with another expecting a vote to be taken subsequently in a public meeting of Council. Nothing herein shall prevent a polling of Council or the taking of an informal vote on any matter under discussion. Before the convening of an executive session during a regular, special or emergency meeting the presiding officer must identify the authorization therefore under the provisions of the West Virginia State Code.