(a)   If at any time any officer mentioned in Section 1111.05 finds a condition to exist or an activity being engaged in which constitutes a nuisance, he shall warn any person who may be responsible therefore and who is present or readily on call, that the nuisance must be abated without delay, and that failure to do so may result in appropriate action against him, and that he will be subject to all expenses incurred by the City, as well as possible criminal penalty; and if it appears to such officer that the nuisance constitutes an eminent health, fire or safety hazard to any person, he shall forthwith take such lawful action within his capabilities as may be necessary to negate the hazard, or else to clear the endangered area of persons, and he shall notify the Mayor, or official acting in that capacity, promptly by the most expeditious means of communication.
   (b)   Also the officers mentioned in Section 1111.05 , and all police officers of the City shall report through proper administrative channels to the Mayor the facts as to any nuisance found by them upon investigations and the action, if any, pursuant to subsection (a) hereof of this action, together with recommendation as to the manner of abatement, the time limit for abatement and for such other professional recommendations and comment as they deem pertinent.