147.01 CREATION.
   The Sanitary Board of the Town heretofore duly created by an ordinance enacted on February 1, 1960, is hereby continued in existence and all acts of the Board therein created are hereby ratified and confirmed.
(Ord. 2018-05. Passed 10-15-18.)
   The Sanitary Board shall have the supervision and control of the custody, administration, operation and maintenance of any and all works for the collection and treatment of sewage, which are now owned or may hereafter be acquired by the Town. The Board shall have power to take all steps and proceedings and to make and enter into all contracts or agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of the powers granted to it by law, and shall have all of the powers granted to such Board under and by virtue of West Virginia Code Article 16-13 as the same now exists and may hereafter be amended; but the powers of the Board shall be subject to all restrictions and limitations contained in West Virginia Code Article 16-13 as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended. The Board may employ engineers, architects, inspectors, superintendents, a manager, collectors, attorneys and such other employees as in its judgment may be necessary in the execution of its powers and duties, and may fix their compensation, all of whom shall do such work as the Board shall direct. All such compensation and all expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of West Virginia Code Article 16-13 shall be paid solely from funds provided under the authority of such article and the Board shall not exercise or carry out any authority or power given it so as to bind the Board or the Town beyond the extent to which money shall have been or may be provided under the authority of West Virginia Code Article 16-13. No contract or agreement with any contractor for labor or material exceeding the amount provided in West Virginia Code 16-13-3 shall be made without advertising for bids, which bids shall be publicly opened and an award made to the lowest qualified bidder, with power in the Board to reject any and all bids. The construction, acquisition, improvement, equipment, custody, operation and maintenance of any such works for the collection, treatment or disposal of sewage and the collection of revenues therefrom for the service rendered thereby shall be under the supervision and control of the Board. After the construction, installation and completion of such works, the Board shall operate, manage and control the same and may order and complete any extensions, betterments and improvements of and to the works that the Board may deem expedient if funds therefor are available or are made available as provided by law, and shall establish rules and regulations for the use and operation of the works and of other sewers and drains connected therewith so far as they may affect the operation of such works and do all things necessary or expedient for the successful operation thereof. The Board may declare an emergency situation in the event of collector line breaks or vital treatment plant equipment failure and shall be exempted from competitive bidding requirements and enter into direct purchase agreement or contracts for such expenses. All public ways or public works damaged or destroyed by the Board in carrying out its authority under this article shall be restored or repaired by the Board and placed in their original condition, as nearly as practicable, if requested so to do by proper authority, out of the funds provided by this article. The Board shall have any and all other powers granted to it by West Virginia Code Article 16-13 or which may be granted to it by any amendments to West Virginia Code Article 16-13 hereafter made, subject to any and all restrictions and limitations therein contained.
(Ord. 2018-05. Passed 10-15-18.)