It is declared a nuisance for any person to do any of the following acts:
   (A)   To so negligently conduct any business or use any premises as to create such an offensive smell as may taint the air and render it unwholesome or disagreeable to the neighborhood;
   (B)   To cause or suffer the carcass of any animal or vegetable matter, slops, swill, suds, garbage, filth, stable drippings or offal or noisome substance of any kind to be collected, deposited or remain in any place in the city to the prejudice of others;
   (C)   To deposit dead animals or other filthy, offensive or noisome substance upon or along any lot, street, alley, highway, park or other place within the city, except the dumping or depositing in or on any place or site designated by the city as a public dumping ground;
   (D)   To corrupt or render unwholesome or impure the water of any drinking hydrant, spring, stream or pond to the injury or prejudice of others;
   (E)   To obstruct or encroach upon any public highway, private way, street or alley;
   (F)   To permit or suffer any slops, swill, garbage, excrements, offal, refuse, animal or vegetable matter, which is liable to become putrid, or offensive or injurious to health, to remain on any premises used or occupied by any person for a longer period than 24 hours at any one time;
   (G)   To keep or suffer to be kept in foul, offensive, nauseous or filthy condition, any kennels, cellar, vault, drain, pool, sewer or sink, upon any premises belonging to or occupied by him or her, or any building, yards, ground and premises belonging to or occupied by him or her;
   (H)   To allow dogs and other animals to run at-large within the city;
   (I)   To erect, continue or use any building or other place for the exercise of any trade, employment or manufacture, which by occasioning noxious exhalations, offensive smells or otherwise is offensive or dangerous to the health of individuals or of the public;
   (J)   To maintain a house of ill fame or house of assignation, where men and women resort for the purpose of prostitution;
   (K)   To slaughter or kill any cattle, hogs or sheep or keep or maintain or use any house or place in which the business of slaughtering any of said animals is carried on;
   (L)   To obstruct any watercourse, ravine or gutter, so as to cause water to stagnate therein, or to permit foul or stagnant water to stand upon any premises to the prejudice of others;
   (M)   Reserved;
   (N)   To build, maintain or suffer to permit any building or part thereof to be or remain in an unsanitary condition by reason of the basement or cellar being covered with stagnant water, or by reason of the presence of sewer gas, or by reason of any portion of a building being infected with disease or being unfit for human habitation or which by reason of any other unsanitary condition is a source of sickness, or which endangers the public health;
   (O)   To pile or stack any hay, straw or combustible or inflammable material within the space of 50 feet of any building within the city, except where the same is piled by a person upon his or her own premises and 50 feet distant from any building. This does not apply to materials to be used for building purposes;
   (P)   To maintain any building, structure, enclosure, place or premises perilous to life or property by reason of the construction of such building or structure or by reason of the condition or quality of its contents, or the use of the building or its contents, or the use of the enclosure or the overcrowding at any time of persons therein, or where conditions exist which would hamper the Fire Department in combating a fire in or on the building;
   (Q)   To fail to remove from any lot, building or structure, or any portion thereof, all garbage, ashes, miscellaneous waste and manure;
   (R)   To make, or cause, permit or allow to be made, upon a public way, or in such close proximity to a public way as to be distinctly and loudly audible upon such public way, any noise of any kind by crying or shouting or by means of any whistle, bell, drum, horn, mechanically operated piano, other musical instruments, wind instrument, sound amplified or other device. Any unauthorized or licensed parade, public gathering, carnival and the like, and any licensed peddler, food dealer is exempt from this provision;
   (S)   To permit any building or premises to be used for any business or employment, or for any purpose of pleasure or recreation, if such use shall from its noise or its boisterous nature, disturb the peace of the neighborhood or be dangerous or detrimental to health, or to permit or suffer dogs or other animals to create any noise or noises disturbing or destroying the peace of the neighborhood;
   (T)   To maintain or erect a privy within the corporate limits of the city; and
   (U)   To create or maintain any thing which is known to the common law of the land, any ordinance of this city, or the Illinois Revised Statute as a nuisance.
(Prior Code, § 97.01) (Ord. 22-O-2337, passed 9-7-2022) Penalty, see § 97.99