Chapter 20
*   Editors Note: ordinance of February 5, 1991, which was not specifically amendatory of the Code, has been treated of the Code, has been treated as amending Ch. 20. Designations are indicated in the history notes to the affected sections. Provisions relating to water and sewer line extensions, including application procedure, extension requirements, specifications and financing are based on policies established by the city council.
   State Law References: Carolina Drinking Water Act, G.S. § 130A-311 et seq.; water and air resources, G.S. § 143-211 et seq.; municipal water systems, G.S. § 160A-311 et seq.
   Cross References: waste, § 9-26 et seq.; installation of utilities in streets, § 15-64.
   Art. I. In General, §§ 20-1--20-20
   Art. II. Water Distribution, §§ 20-21--20-47
   Art. II.1. Water Conservation, §§ 20-48--20-54
   Art. II.2. Backflow Prevention/Cross Connection Control §§ 20-55—20-60.11
   Art. III. Sewer System, §§ 20-61--20-80
   Art. IV. Sewerage and Waste Discharge Standards, §§ 20-81--20-120.3
   Div. 1. General Provisions, §§ 20-81, 20-82
   Div. 2. General Sewer Use Requirements, §§ 20-83--20-91
   Div. 3. Fees, §§ 20-92--20-95
   Div. 4. Wastewater Discharge Permit Application and Issuance, §§ 20-96, 20-97
   Div. 5. Reporting Requirements, §§ 20-98--20-111
   Div. 6. Compliance Monitoring, §§ 20-112--20-114
   Div. 7. Confidential Information, § 20-114.1
   Div. 8. General Provisions, §§ 20-115--20-118
   Div. 9. Annual Publication of Significant Noncompliance, § 20-118.1
   Div. 10. Affirmative Defenses to Discharge Violations, § 20-119--20-120.1
   Div. 11. Severability, § 20-120.2
   Div. 12. Conflict, § 20-120.3
   Art. V. Enforcement, §§ 20-121--20-127